I'm having great difficulty finding screws for the carb of my truck. I think they are #12 X 24. Is that correct? Any known sources for them? thanks!!
Gee, that would be fantastic! I can't find them around my area, NW FL. Do you know what the size, pitch is, if I knew that I might be able to find them at the Fastenal that's about 40 miles from my home. (I get that way every few weeks). Thanks very much for the offer, that's really great of you. If I can't find them at the Fastenal place, I'll send you a message with my address, etc. Thanks Again!!
Next time your at Fastnal ask for a Fillister Slotted Head Screw http://cad.fastenal.com/advanced/fi...ter-slotted-head-screw-inch?&bc=100|1003|1065 could be a 10/32 by 3/4 ? depending on year of the carb take an old one to size good luck
Sorry folks, none at the Fastenal dealer. He called several vendors and 1 had some socket head screws in #12/28 X 7/8. Anyone got a source for these?
I did get some of those screws in a carb kit I purchased from carbking Here is the link to his shop http://www.thecarburetorshop.com/Orderinfo.htm I have a carter so the screw size may not be the same as yours I don't know if he just sells a fastener set. I'm surprised fastnal couldn't get them for you
Rochester Air Horn Screws Yes , they're special . I'd just buy a $5 core carby off Flea-Bay and rob it for the screws..... I did this for my 49 3100's 235 as it was missing the coke & throttle cable brackets and no one seemed to have them.... I got the entire carby with brackets and dry mesh air cleaner too , for $5 .
Super Idea Nate!! thanks! I found several dealers selling halves and some parts, but no screws. i finally found the screws, 1" rather than 7/8", at http://www.castbullet.com/screws.htm
" Dealers " ~ Feh I always look in JunkPiles first as sooner or later I find (IMO) the best stuff . I'm sure if you had Joe (MotherTrucker) on speed dial , *perfect* used original screws would be winging their way to you now via The Post.....