6 Cylinder Tachometer

Discussion in '1967-1972' started by vwnate1, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    O.K. ;

    I'm a dedicated 6 Banger guy and I've been hunting for a factory tach since I bought my '69 C/10 but no joy ~ they're out there and most who have them , hate 6 Bangers and won't use it but they won't sell either , what to do ? .

    I'm a Journeyman Mechanic as well as a Fleet / Roadside / Used Car Lot / Etc. guy so to - day as I was doing my Physical Therapy in Pick-A-Part Junkyard , I found a nifty Jaguar XJ-6 Electronic Tachometer for $13......

    It looks close to stock and should be easily adapted to my factory full gauge dash binnacle .

    This might be the easy & cheap way out , stand by .
  2. Roadhazardguy

    Roadhazardguy Member

    Jun 26, 2006
    Canyon Lake Texas
    I know they did make factory tachs for 6 cyl's but they're super hard to find, if you find one in a junk yard snatch it up (that goes for any year factory truck tach) I'm looking for another one for my 85 BTW. They also made mechanical tachs that came in the medium duty diesel trucks, so you could probably make one of those work too if you found a dizzy with mech tach provisions(I know they make V8 versions with them).
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Stock Tach

    Thanx ! .

    As it turns , last weekend I was doing my P.T. in my favorite Pick-A-Part yard and came across a nice 1967 C/20 dash binnacle , as usual the retard who removed it , took it away to a Brand 'F' and took it all part to scavange just the fuel gauge then tossed it (and the rest of the gauges & hardware) on the ground where everything was promptly walked upon & ruined *except* the good shape plastic bezel , lens and tin inner cover so I bought that and will be using it as a test bed for the Jaguar tacho ~ if I can make it work and look good , then I'll modify the shiny new outer cover my Son bought me last Christmas .

    FWIW , running a tach in a '67 ~ '72 requires a different PC board , luckily these are available new cheaply .

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