Several yrs ago Nate gave instructions for starting an AD truck. One process was for a truck that sat overnight and the other for 1 that had set for a week or longer. I have the overnight process. It works just right! Anybody got the week or more process??? It's really tough getting the old girl started after it sits for a week!!! Once it's running it cranks easily, but the 1st go is PAINFUL!!!! Thanks guys!
Dormant Starts I assume your trouble is the crappo Foo-Foo ' motor fuel ' you're using , evaporates ? . If so , adding an inexpen$ive electric fuel pump under the cab near the tank's outlet and operating it via a push button is both safe and simple ~ old British cars have cheap E-Pumps that work very well . It's VERY IMPORTANT to not use over 4 # MAXIMUM E-Pump , the 2 # one is always on back order and they'll try to sell you a pressure regulator that'll cause even more hassles . Get the right tool (E-Pump) for the job . Or , pump the throttle twice then pull the choke full out , release the throttle , turn on the key and hold the starter until the engine coughs into life . DO NOT pump the throttle while operating the starter ! .
The problem has been starting the truck after it sits for a week or more. I think I end up flooding it. When it has only been a few days since it was started, it starts with 3 pumps on the accel pedal, pulling out the choke and hitting the starter. For longer periods it won't start using this procedure. I use ethanol free gas. I just cleaned the fuel line and filter recently after the sealer in my tank was "melted" by ethanol gas. I put in a new sealed tank and use only ethanol free now (it's finally become reasonably available in our area).
The in-line pump with the push-button works great and also will help on hot days if vapor lock becomes an issue. Charles
I've also gone with the electric pump but it is wired directly to the ignition. I really like the idea of a hidden pushbutton. Why didn't I think of that Anyway if my truck has sat for awhile I just turn the key and listen for the e-pump to pump up, you can hear the pressure build, two pumps on the accel pedal and hit the foot starter.
Hard Starting After Sitting I can't see it flooding after it sits ~ fuel evaporates fairly quickly these days thanx to all the corn crap in it . If you're flooding it , applying the choke would prevent it from ever starting .