Just wondering if anyone has an opinion on brands of paint to use for painting various chassis parts. There are products from Bill Hirsch, Por-15, VHT's All Weather, etc. We don't see it like body paint, but a good chip resistant, protective product for the chassis and suspension does seem like something to put some thought into. Maybe it would be easier to have input about paints people dislike. Thanks!
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-05 AT 10:50 PM (CST)]Just to dispell the rumor, POR15 is positivly GREAT stuff,,,,, If you are covering rust. It's a rust encapsulator coating. If it isn't put on rust,,, it won't stay very well. You can get a pre-treatment that allows it to stick, BUT if you are not covering rust, why spend the money. I've done a few front sheet metal off rebuilds and THIS is what I've always done. After cleaning with paint scrapers, wire brush and other implements, a through degreasing followed by a few coats of epoxy based primer and then a few coats of semi-black epoxy. All rattle can applied. If you are doing a frame off restoration / rebuild,,, powdercoat !! If you have a BAD case of rust then POR-15 or other rust encapsulator coating is right. If it's just filty, with light rust, a good cleaning and epoxy coating is way cheaper with very good results. DVal
I find it all over. I just go to my local mom & pop hardware most times. I've had it under the front of my panel for a year now. I did the lower and upper control arms about 3 1/2 years ago. Everything is still holding up well. I'm a bit anal and usually wipe down everything before I crawl out from under it after an oil change or what have you... DV