Guys, I can't find a place to buy the one piece glass kits for my 1964. I know somebody sells them because I have seen trucks with them. Any help would be great. I also want to go with power windows.
Nobody makes a one piece glass KIT for our trucks. The ones' you have seen were fabricated by their owners or custom shop. USBody is a fiberglass body supplier. DVal The glass comes from No Limit, and Classic Truck has an article on how they did the 1 piece glass in their 66.:+
> > >The glass comes from No Limit, and Classic Truck has an >article on how they did the 1 piece glass in their 66.:+ I must have read that article 10 times and never caught that. I even have No Limit's catalog and never saw it. ( That is a great catalog with really cool drawings . Anyone who has that catalog know what I'm talking about!) Nice catch, thanks ! DV