OK, I know that some of us Cold War Vets have studied the effects of EMP, after Solar flares or man Made devices. Don't laugh just yet...Canada had 125,000 people go powerless after a Mega Solar flare I can't for the life of me figure out anything that would burn up on my 47', there's no transister's or computers. Maybe just coil/points? Old chevies will survive. I may be the only transportation around. Gotta run, a Zombie just walked past!
EMP & Vehicles Well ; If you have an alternator , the battery might not provide sufficient current to excite the field as you're bump starting it but once it gets going , any old thing should be fine . If you have a generator , just bump start it in second gear (ALWAYS second gear , NEVER first nor reverse !) and you're good to go . I wish I had access to all my photos as I have one of my Hearse and my Mighty Metropolitan Nash FHC driving past a Cal Trans warning sign saying " CAUTION - ZOMBIES AHEAD " on a remote , twisty canyon road....... I'm sure you alls would love it .
Chevy/GMC trucks made to stay and forever lasting! At least if we continue to use our money on them Any one knows if they have used them for military operations in the old days with weapens attached to them? Was`nt aware of the fact that electronic devices in modern cars are so easy to desturb or to damage caused by radiation flares ! Maybe a UFO can disturb the old truck el. sirquits or is that only imagination By the way what does EMP means ?
EMP was an unintended side effect of Nuclear War/Solar flares, Back in the Cold War days. I am not clear if the battery gets fried and the coil?? Modern cars are so Computerized that they are useless for a long time. But older cars with just points and coils are easy to fix and get running. Spare parts need to be stored in metal cans/boxes. Many Countries now have EMP weopons to disable our computerized electronic society. Causes mass havoc and gridlock. People in places like Charlotte NC need Zombie protection too! My friends think Diesel tractors are probably fairly resistent With all the Climate change disaters of late some simple spare parts and foodstuffs may be prudent. The People in New York got hot meals long after the politicians were patting themselves on the back!
So far the zombie protection consists of the spiked bumper........I need one of those bed frame grille guards!
Thank you Flashlight an OL`Chebby. Thank you guys fore this excellent information. What kinda Zombie protecting arangements are you thinking of ? Never to old to learn Martinius.
I've got Husquvarna chain saw's with long 3 foot chain bars, they are mounted on a 45 degree angle on each side of the front bumper, I am looking for a V-shaped snow plow to mount between them, to keep my lane cleared of the debris! This where Granny low gear comes in handy!!
PopCorn Sutton is from the next town over. Damn what a shame....he was one of our best. Like Dale Earnhardt #3. RIP. You Preppers take heed...Moonshine is just like gold in times of anarchy! You can barter for anything...as the ol' one's say (Nate) "Candy is dandy but licker is Quicker"
RIP Popcorn Suttons great moonshine ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUcGBhG05JQ&playnext=1&list=PL7E5D94939C1EB1CC A great and nice character this guy driving along with his old F.... pickup truck; Just genuine intrested in his moonshine and the story of moonshining and music behind it. RIP Popcorn Sutton. Anyone knows if he used corn or potatoes for his distallation ? My grandad and i used water , fresh bakery yeast and sugar and made the finest moonshine there whas 96 %. I still have the apparatus but buy my likker from the store instead today Martinius
Dale Earnhardt full story ! Probebly the movie does`nt really show how the life of this legend really whas but here is a taste. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL5e_xk_t6o
Mostly corn....but anything (fruit/dandilions) that has a sugar will ferment into something with alcohol. The Poles of the earth get more Solar flare activity, and we are entering a new cycle of increased flares. Glad the Norwegians are so prepped! I guess I'll just find a couple of coils to put in my box of ignition parts.
"Candy is dandy but licker is Quicker" Yep ! & sex doesn't rot yer teef neither . Chain saws look good but are hard to swing in the clutch so I'd be wanting a High Standard Riot/Combat 12 Ga. pump shotgun with the shortest barrel I could work out.......