Starter Ignition Switch?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Alive@65, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Alive@65

    Alive@65 Member

    Oct 14, 2012
    Oregon's Willamette Valley
    My '47 1/2 ton has a second switch on the starter forward of the one that connects directly to the battery. I assume this is an ignition switch since wires from it connect to the coil, etc. Also, my dash mounted switch is merely an on/off (which can be locked or flipped on and off without a key). This second switch is connected by a bar (with return spring) to the main starter switch.

    Does anyone know where I can find one of these? I've checked Classic Parts and other old Chevy parts suppliers but can't find it.

  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Polarity Reversing Switch

    If you really want to keep it , simply open it up and hand polish the contacts , it'll work fine another 50 years .

    What it is is , a foolish attempt by Generous Motors Corporation to increase ignition points life by running the current backwards through them when you're operating the starter....

    I'd toss it .
  3. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Welcome aboard, Alive go photos, enjoy the ride while here.
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    No Response


    I forgot to mention it is called a " Polarity Reversing Switch " by GM , that might help you in your search for a new one , Chevs Of The 40s in Washington State will prolly have N.O.S. ones in stock .

    It was used fom 1941 ~ 1947.1 in cars & light duty trucks .
  5. Alive@65

    Alive@65 Member

    Oct 14, 2012
    Oregon's Willamette Valley
    Thanks Nate and Charles

    Thanks Nate. After you identified it, I was able to find it in the “Filling Station” catalog. But when I called they said they didn't have one in stock. But they also said that most mechanics took them off back in the day. So, if I remove it how do I wire around it? I checked my MOTORS MANUAL but they don't mention it. I assume run a wire from the starter terminal to the amp meter, through the ignition switch, and then back to the positive on the coil? But how is the distributor wired? And if I convert to 12v later on will I be able to use the polarity reversing switch?

    Meanwhile I'll check out Chevys of the 40s.

    Thanks again!
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Polarity Reversing Switch

    Oh that ~ just ground one dist. terminal and run the other one to the negative side of the coil and it'll work fine .

    Carefully remove the switch and linkage , some damnfool may want to BUY it :rolleyes:

    Me , I'd go find a single terminal Dizzy but that's not necessary .
  7. Alive@65

    Alive@65 Member

    Oct 14, 2012
    Oregon's Willamette Valley
    Now what Nate?

    It's been a while (the weather is nasty and my truck is outside). I removed the switch and installed a new battery, battery cables, starter, coil, cap, rotor, points, condenser, plugs, and plug wires. I also ran a new wire from the ignition switch to the pos. side of the coil, a wire from the neg. side of the coil to points side of the dist. and a new wire from the condenser side of the dist. to the grounding stud (bolt) I installed on the frame next to the battery. But it's not starting and I'm getting no spark when I ground a plug cathode to the frame. It cranks well (with the proper 6v cable), but still no fire in the hole. Last summer, I replaced the entire fuel system up to the carb--and since the carb was good when I last started it a couple of years ago, I'm pretty sure it's still good. So, I'm confident that the fuel system is good since even with starter fluid it won't even sputter. What am I doing wrong? Might the new coil be bad? Could I have fried it by reversing the polarity?

    Is the distributor polarized? I already considered that and switched the wires, but still no help.
  8. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Electric wiring system !

    Hey there and welcome aboard. Its posseble that you have fried it but nor likely as it is a 6 volts system. Are you shore that you bought the right model coil ? I would advice you to look it up in one of the tech manuals how to the wire your electric sirquit correctly. You could check out the sirguit components manually with a multymeter or screwdriver with inspection light in it. If there is `nt any spark i would check the coil , sparkplugwires and caps, ignition , relay on the firewall , alternator , fuses ect.

    Good luck Martinius.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2012
  9. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Try eliminating the condensor to ground wire. It just needs the ign to coil + and coil - to points to run. Pop the cap, pull coil wire from DISTRIBUTOR and hold near ground, rattle points open and closed with a plastic/wood handled screwdriver and see if you get fire from the coil wire. If not there's a good chance somehthing is grounded in or around the points. If you have fire then it's downstream from the points/coil/condensor.
  10. Alive@65

    Alive@65 Member

    Oct 14, 2012
    Oregon's Willamette Valley
    Thanks for your help, Coilover, but you must be thinking of another type of distributor.

    Your idea didn't work but you inspired me to tinker with it a bit more. I disconnected the wire from the condenser side of the dist. to ground, but it still didn't start. Then (finally) I checked for voltage at the pos. terminal of the coil and there was none. So, I gave up on my assumption that the wires to and from the ignition switch were good, and loosly clamped a wire under the nut on the starter switch and connected the other end of it to the pos. side of the coil--still no start. So, I re-connected the ground wire on the condenser side of the dist. and IT STARTED! So, to shut it off I had to yank the wire from under the nut on the starter switch. Until I can run new wires under the dash, I'll just run an old two conductor lamp cord through the firewall with a toggle switch on the interrior end and with the other end connected to the starter switch and the pos. on the coil--then I'll use the toggle switch as a temporaty ignition switch.

    So, to review: Battery to starter switch terminal; then to ignition switch (via amp gauge); from ignition switch to pos. side of coil; neg. side of coil to points side of distributor; condenser side of distributor to ground. It's that simple--with no pesky polarity reversing switch!

    Now that it starts I need to adjust the timing, valves, etc. since it's running a bit rough after all these years of neglect--but I'm making progress.

    By the way: your advice was right on Nate--so thanks!
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    It runs !!

    YAY ! (note clever use of CHEVROLET BLUE there :cool: )

    " By the way: your advice was right on Nate--so thanks! " ~ even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.... :p .

    Thank you .

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