Why Border Collies sheepdogs are the smartest dogs in the world? Some of you have probebly seen the american Border Collie that collects each and one of his toys by name when asked to do so , around 700 pc. i think ? (You Tube ). My sons dog a Border Collie named Ajax ( 6 months old) is paralized looking at his own face reflected in the wheelhubs and bumper of my truck , he just loves doing this. I told my son its because he is a very smart dog and loves chevy trucks like me offcourse !!
Russ, the dog would prolly roll over looking at your face! Martinius, that dog just wants to go for a ride in the country with the windows down....ask me how i know?
That dog is probably thinking that (Once it figures out that says Chevy and not GMC) it'll probably be okay to pee on that wheel...