Anybody interested in an old truck calendar? It was brought up to put one together. Rather than use all my pictures, I would like to see some other members submit some and put it all together. Probably looking at about $30 shipped. Thoughts?
calendar I am in and suggest we have a succession of pics form rough / early Restoration trucks to beauties.
Yes, I'll take one, send me a private message for your email and I'll paypal you the thirty, Thanks for the offer of letting us get one from you. My other half puts a calender together every year also we usually give away about fifty each year.
Would anybody like to submit a picture or two? Need to be high res if they will be a monthly picture. Lower resolution pictures can be used as fillers though. Is anybody stuck on just Chevy stuff? I have a couple good pictures of Dodge and Ford old trucks, similar era. This is in it's infancy stage, so I am not ready to take any money yet...... If we are just using my pictures they will be from the two galleries below. Gallery 1 Gallery 2
Old Truck Calendar Yes , Generous Motors Products only please . I'm prolly in , stock - ish looking rigs as Hot Rod Truck Calendars are a dime a dozen these days .
I like gallery #2 for great calendar shots. Speaking of galleries, have you walked through the gallery for 49~54 trucks on this site? It would be kind of cool to have member trucks on a truck calendar. Maybe this is something our host could make/sell?
Here's a great picture from one of our members.... I can't remember who! I think it's one of the "Girls". Possibly Karen. I was really impressed with the photo. She got up one morning and looked out the window and took the picture as-is. I had a flashback, and I think the lady's user name is "coonka". Anyone know who she is?
Not suree what I was thinking.....there is no way I have enough time for this right now. Shelved until next year......I will start earlier, I promise!!