Installing a 60/40 seat help

Discussion in '1960-1966' started by BamaJohn66, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. BamaJohn66

    BamaJohn66 Member

    Dec 31, 2004
    huntsville USA
    I have picked up a 60/40 seat from a 95 chevy p/u, it appears the seat is going to sit too high into my back window,has anyone installed one using these tracks or did you use the Tahoe/Suburban tracks,if anyone has any pointers or pictures of this truck seat installed Id love to see em & hear em send pics to
  2. dvalentine

    dvalentine Charter Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    John, Any chance that the seat came with the wrong seat tracks ?

    I have a 60/40 in mine, but don't have the same issue as you because I have a panel.

    I ask because the seat tracks that come on the seat should put your butt at the correct height to hit the brake/clutch/accelerator pedals with comfort. Lowering the seats , or using lower seat tracks may not be the most comfortable driving position. It may make driving pretty uncomfortable.

  3. BamaJohn66

    BamaJohn66 Member

    Dec 31, 2004
    huntsville USA
    my measurements with the seat sitting on the floor is around 5 1/2 inches from floor to bottom of seat cushion (or top of rail)Im having all kinds of people telling me to find some suburban or tahoe tracks that they sit just above the floor a lot shorter than the truck tracks,I really would like to see some pictures of how these seats sit with the truck tracks and the shorter tracks or get some input from drivers using both in our trucks,I may be chasing a ghost here with the shorter tracks but i wont know until someone tells me one way or the other.
  4. 58 chevy

    58 chevy Guest

    Just throwing out a suggestion, look at a Classic Trucks magazine from i think one of these months October through December or 2004 and it will show the measurements and so forth to make these seats work, it will suggest how to modify and adjustments.
  5. BamaJohn66

    BamaJohn66 Member

    Dec 31, 2004
    huntsville USA
    Thanks for the help guys I just had to think a little outside the circle again,sometimes I forget what an upgrade is all about,i pulled the rear headrests out of the same truck and re-mounted them in the front seats,They really look good,I can let this seat post die now.

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