Driveshaft & dash

Discussion in '1960-1966' started by davidrw, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. davidrw

    davidrw Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    Gloucester United Kingdom
    I'm fitting a new centre support bearing to the driveshaft of my '65 C10 longbed. I've been advised to replace the universal joint. Do i just replace the closest one to the support bearing or is is best to replace all of them?

    With the ongoing saga of the fuel gauge, it turns out the old gauge is faulty. So i have a new one winging it's way across the Atlantic by good old USPS. How do i go about taking the instrument cluster out and how do i take the choke, headlight and wiper pull switches off, I don't want to damage them?

    I am new to these trucks so please excuse these basic questions, I don't want to make a mistake or break something (especially with regards to removing the dash instrument cluster).

    Again many thanks for your help :)
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    I'd replace them all as it's not difficult and you'll be sure they're good once replaced , new ones come with Zerk grease fittings too .

    The headlight switch knob , disconnect the battery ground cable then reach up behind the dash and feel the switch until you find the spring loaded button on it , pull the knob then depress the button and pull it again , it'l slide right out easily , DO NOT FORCE IT .

    The choke cable needs a crow foot wrench to loosen the 9/16" thin nut behind the dash , using the wrong tool will ruin the nut as it slips .

    Some years the wiper knob has a tiny slotted screw undernath it , needs a narrow bladed Cabinet Screwdriver to loosen a turn or so before the knob slips off , DO NOT over losen this screw as you'll loose it and play hell finding another .

    IIRC , your year the dash gauge binnacle has chromed # 2 phillips head screws around the edge .
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    O b t w :

    Basic , simple questins are fine ~ you don't want to damage anything .

    The good folks here collectively know everything but it often takes a few days to get replies .

    I'm always learnng so don't hesitate to share what you learn as you go along .
  4. davidrw

    davidrw Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    Gloucester United Kingdom
    Thank you very much for your guidance Nate. Your knowledge (i have noted on the various threads) and that of others is superb.

    Hopefully, in time, i will be able to post something useful on the forum.

    Only mananged to obtain one uj at the moment, so i'll replace this and do the others when CP have more in stock.
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    The Help

    You're welcome and I bet you're already helping others , often just a word about how the job is going , is a big help to others .

    U-Joints you can find the ones you need are very basic and don't change much , from veicle to vehicle .

    If you change one you'll never touch the 2nd. one until it breaks , allowing the flying driveshaft to get bent at best , the broken U-Joint stories I could tell you would curl your hair , they all involve the vehicle being junked and or people dying......

    You pays your monies and you makes your choice.....
  6. davidrw

    davidrw Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    Gloucester United Kingdom
    Hi Nate

    Comments duly noted regarding driveshaft uj's. Have managed to locate two more which will be fitted next week now. Don't want any drama's on this side of the Pond!!

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