I'm looking for 4 Original (painted) hubcaps for my '65 C10 Pickup. I want the painted version, and not the crome plated. Does any one have such once for sale, or know where I can find them? I live in Denmark, so visiting a lot of junkyards are unfortunate not a possibility (Danish junkyards don't have classic US parts) It is hubcaps like this one I'm looking for: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-64-...=&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 The caps needs to be the version which are approx. 10" in diameter... I hope some of you are able to help me in my search! Thanks in advance!
Hub Caps Posting up a picture of the hub cap u want , is critical to getting the right item.... Many folks prolly have or have seen just what you want but don't know what it is you're looking for . I've finally managed to get a full set of steel base model hub caps for my '67 , two have dents , I don't really care that much . Good luck hunting ! .
The hubcaps I'm looking for are like the once shown in the attached picture (though all four should be the exactly the same model)
Hubcaps O.K. ; Now you're making progress . Wait a while as folks are always coming and going , you'll prolly get a response in a while . Also , look on E-bay , use the wheel size to help your search or " chevy truck hubcaps " etc. , think of various ways others might list them ~ . Good luck hunting ! .
I'm NATE I don't know what your hubcaps look like , posting a photo , even of a dented one will help generate replies as will posting your state . It took me some time to find a set of original hub caps for my '67 and they were used for nearly ten years on millions of trucks , I bought a few dented ones to make do in the intrim . I also lost one *perfect* one on the freeway and even heard it go but as a beat up old Chevcy G Van was passing me as it flew off , I thought the Va was making the racket.... I went back the next day but couldn't find it dammit . I don't actually sell parts but I do know that Joe AKA MOTHERTRUCKER in the classified section , always has whatever obscure parts I need in RUST FREE Arizona , shoot him an E-mail . Expect to have to de rust and re paint any hub caps , cherry ones are very $pendy .
mp8200, I think I may have one or possibly two of those hub caps that I'm not using . I'll check the next time I'm in my shed. Azbagger
mp8200, I went out to my shed and found 3 matching hub caps like you showed in a previous post. Two are in good condition and the third is in fair condition. Contact me a tcolaric@q.com if you are interested in them and I'll send some pics. Azbagger
I have 4 originals they are white and been re-painted a few times. all 4 are 1966 originals so they have small dents, etc. If you are interested, let me know and I can take some pix too. I dont know how much it cost to ship from ATL, GA to Denmark tho!?
I believe I have a whole set from my 1964. look the same, white w/bowtie. I know this is old but do you still need them?
Hi Thanks for your feedback! I did find some caps, and they look great on my truck - so I'm looking for it more - thanks!