Sellers remorse is one thing. Promising to return parts to a guy who is too crippled to remove them & then keeping the parts is an entirely different thing. Beating up on the one guy who looked you in the eye & made you a promise & then turned around & screwed you is one thing. Beating up on everyone who is remotely connected to the truck long after it was sold is an entirely different thing. Like I said before..... this is not an orchestrated conspiracy at screwing Nate outta a few old accessories that were on the truck. It's Time to get a hold of Foose & have him do a build on one of Nate's old rides.
After getting a media blast from all over the globe it appears to be an oversight, they tell us. Returning calls keeping up on where the product is, that's orchestrating good business. That was not the case and I'll believe Nate over some email send after getting blasted out onto the spot light. If we had not rattled some chains Nate may have never seen anything. Remember the Revolver was unveiled in January @ SEMA and this is the middle of May without any calls what so ever, until this weekends call for a boycott of magnaflow , on my part at first others added later for effect turned out to be a great idea. That theatre from all appearances is working and will continue to work. When ever Nate's personal property is returned then the boycott will be painstakingly reviewed.
DeadZoneTruckin Joe The fact is that you dont know me at all personally and what you mean about me does`nt concern anyone at this forum. I know that there are a lot of people here that i trust and likewise the other way around. You are pretending to know me but your noose is misleading you. You have just been waiting fore the right moment to come to spit out your bitter story but it does`nt fit in here. I`ll want to ask you not to continue with your personal slandering of me here at this forum but rather use your time to support Nate. This forum is`nt ment for your privat unsolved problems. I`ll suggest that you wright me a pm instead so we can continue there. I am not critsizing any compagny neither there products . I have been watching the program Overhauling for years on tv , and i like what they do. I also like Magnaflow there products very much. The world is`nt black and white . Martinius.
Jasons e.mail adres ? Thanks Charles for these words , i would wanna send an e.mail to the guy Jason but have `nt got his e.mail adres yet. Where can i find it on the internet ? Maybe someone can help me out ? Martinius.
Karma you are so right so right ! Lakeroadster I know i am a person of strong meanings when you read my comments in Nates thread. Mostly i just go right to the point to find the essence of a truth! The meaning of truth has become very vague for many people when they manipulate words , moral and meanings behind the spoken word. Truth is something after my opinion where to parts or moore are easing it to their perception of truth . The bad Karma comes in when people knowingly are not telling the truth and allways has bad side effects on there acts. Thank you Martinius.
Well said, Martinius. And don't worry, not all of the members here believe everything they read on the internet. Damon
Martinius. The address is, Thanks for being a part of this boycott we need all of us to get the goal reached. Charles
I posted my e-mail address in my first post of this thread. Thank you very much! It wasn't personal until what you just said. How dare you claim that I don't know what memories mean or assume that I don't care about Nate or getting his parts. That's some pretty big balls you have. I have been around motorsports since I was a kid. My father used to race drag boats when I was just 8 years old. I learned early that hard work paid off. Great memories of early morning hours wrenching on the boat on the sandy beach at the Blue Water Marina in Parker, AZ. Working here is something that I love to do and I enjoy every minute of being around vehicle projects and the people that build them. I have not only worked around them, I have also built a few myself. It was my choice and my choice alone to post on this forum. My whole intention was to calm the fears and let everyone know that I would do what I can to help. I am a member of roughly 30 other forums, maybe you should research some of my posts before questioning my motives again. You need to take a few deep breaths and really think about the assumptions and accusations you have made. WOW just WOW Really? I had left work 30 minutes before you posted about my e-mail addy. Normally, I check back to the forums on my personal time when something this important is going on. However, after the kiddos went to bed last night I was thrashing on my daily driver trying to get it back together. Had you slowed down and actually read what I originally wrote you would have had your answer. All personal BS aside, is Richard's post still in 'Moderation'? -Jason
I really feel for Nate but at the same time I think this thread may be getting out of hand. Nate is a good guy and its sad that this is happening to him but at the same time we can't villanize Jason, TCI, or anyone else associated with the project. The way I see it is that a bad thing happened and Jason came on the forum (whether by company order or personal choice is besides the point) and Jason expressed his concern about the issue and gave his word that he would speak to people about this situation. I appreciate the effort by Jason to try and fix the issue. He is from TCI not Magnaflow and he still came into this situation. On the other side of the coin, it seems like this thread went into linch mob mode. We can all feel for Nate and be disapointed in the situation, or even dislike Magnaflow as a company but the one who is truely hurt and should be upset is Nate. I'm sorry my friend. Something happened. None of us know what that is. Only Richard does. Some of you seem to be assumeing that there was a malicious intent but there is no evidence to support that yet. What we do know is an agreement was made and has not yet been fulfilled. We don't know why. Maybe he decided Nate's parts weren't worth the time or maybe the man is swamped and the parts are safely tucked away waiting for the legal release of the finished project. Only Richard knows. What is being said about Jason and the rest of the build team is unfair. I work for an environmental firm and I help with permitting for pipelines. All I do is get permits. Now if my client promises a land owner something and then screws the land owner is it my fault for being part of the project team? Of course not. Lets just all take a breath. It sounds like Richard has a post pending. Lets hear from him. All the rest of this community can do for now is hope that Richard and Nate figure this out.
E.mail send to Jason Wilcox. Thanks Charles for the adres. Ofcourse i want to help, i would stick my hand in the fire for that guy. I did send an e.mail to Jason Wilcox aswell today afternoon. We have to wait and see the outcome ? Thank you all for participating Martinius.
Richard had sent me a text yesterday stating he had posted in here but I still don't see it. I sent Nick a private message and asked him to look into it. -Jason
I like what you stated here! I like good commen sence wich you show here very clearly . I have been working as a psycolegist with drug addicted people in clinics for many years and the work i have been doing is`nt allways predictable thats for shore. But on the farm at home i mostly know what the outcome and results of my work are without any disturbance or complexety and thats what i like the most with being a farmer . I know what i am responseble for or not ! We have a saying in Norway that says " flere kokker men mere s?l " (Hoops) wich means " The more cooks gives more mess" ! This metafor suits very well in the situation Nate is facing now. The moore people involved the situation becomes moore unpredictable ! Thank you for your contribution Martinius.
Martinius.... you need to take a spelling & english class 'cause I can't understand half the crap that you post
Richard from Magnaflow! Richard from Magnaflow I love the work that has been done with the truck except from the interieur color and the anonymous bedtail. I wanna thank you for writing back to Nate and to us all at Chevy Talk forum . Your thread explanes some things in a bit wider perspective but do not give moore insite really. Someone has not taken his responsebillety sereous anough by not returning Nate Halls parts after so many months of waiting. I think this could have been done in a much better way. Be kind to feel your responsebillety Richard ! I`ll suggest that you make that phonecall to Nate Hall and tell him wich date he gets his parts. Thanks Martinius Berg. Copy send to Richards e.mail adres. In closing ... Nate, for what it's worth, I am sorry you feel you have been wronged but I am not sure how much that means to you. Please understand nothing has changed from our original discussion, when we pick-up the truck COMPLETE along with remaining parts, the contract with our builder will be fulfilled and as we discussed, along with the first right of refusal on the unused parts, I will have the parts you requested.
Yeah I sometimes have to read Martinius' posts twice but he is from Norway..... I am sure his written English is way better than our written Norwegian would be. And in regards to Nates parts, it's been over 6 months from the date of the video that started this thread. That's a very long time to wait for stuff that means something to ya. For me, I would have taken the three parts off in Nates driveway for him and handed them to him, or at least done so within a couple days. But sometimes the simple things get lost in the legal swamp we all live in nowadays. Now that the communication lines are once again open we'll be waiting for a response from Nate and some photos of the parts.
Yea I can just picture him freezin' his ass off in his dingy barn trying to get his metric tools to work on all the SAE American hardware on his truck ====================================================================================================================== After everything that has transpired the last few days regarding Nate's parts..... I have no doubt that he will get everything back that is owed to him. .