Hi. I bought a spring from the truck shop but one end is open. Please help me find out how long they are so I can bend it. Thanks
Clutch / Brake Pedal Springs They're prolly too short in the actual coils , the originals were very long indeed . Just hook the closed end to the pedal and then pull the open end with your hand until the pedal returns to the toe board with a " thump " when you release it , now use a 3/8" extension or deep socket to form the new closed end ~ allowing it to bend sharply , will cause it to break in a year or less . FWIW , these are supposed to be soft coil typ retraction springs with an absurdly long set of coils ~ this allows them to work well and easily at the same time , remember : GM's CHEVROLET DIVISION knows best , don't try to improve a spring that lasted 50 + years .