Rear main seal is out of my 54 chevy 3100. New one installed . Should the bearing caps be torqued ? what spec and is the an order as far as tightenening them goes.? the engine is in the truck still So id be looking at it from below.thanks.
Can check the book tomorrow but IIRC it's 95-105 on the mains. Center cap first and then work out both ways toward front and rear. I go about 45 for the first step, 75 for the second, and then to the final. With a new seal the crank will probably get VERY hard to turn as you torque it down but that's normal. If the caps were loose enough to sag down on the bolts make sure the bearings are in place.
Yep, Had shims up through 57, the 58 was the first without. I like the 58-62 235's the best as long as they don't have hydraulic lifters. Trucks didn't but car engines did and they are often a pain.
I hope I don't have trouble with the hydraulic lifters in the 235 I just built. I've read that there were issues... but haven't read what the issues were. Could you please shed some light, Evan? Thanks! Damon
Juice Lifters A couple of things : They require more oil flow and pressure than the 235 is designed to provide so once the engine is fully warmed up , they will almost always click@ hot idle . Of course , juice lifters rob power from an already low power engine so no matter how you slice it , they're always a bad idea .