Hello, I drove today with my truck and the engine gets problems with the temperature. The sun was shining very hot about 38 degrees and the engine lost about 2 liters of cooling water. My engine have a 4 arm propeller. What can it be? Are all water hoses correct conected? Wolfgang
Overheating Wokri ; It is the time of year when your cooling system gets put to test . What temperature did the gauge reach ? . Did it dribble out the coolant or spew clouds of steam ? . When was the last time you HOT adjusted the valves then checked the points gap then adjusted the timing ? . All these have great impact on how hot your engine runs . Simply allowing the engine to idle (tickover) too long on a hot day , will cause serious boiling of the coolant . You can add a larger , multi - blades flex fan , those help a lot but first you need to ascertain if everything else is O.K. . Nice engine by the way .
Hello Nate, thank you for your fast answer. The gauge had have stoped by ca. 200, but I think the gauge want'nt work well, cause if the engine will be started in the morning the gauge shows a temperature about 110, although I bought it new. The water dribbeld, no clouds of steam. I adjusted the valves on cold engine, I think this is more accurate. About a additional fan balde I bought me one today. I'll hope it will help. I think driving the engine in low speed, will cause the heat problem. But its an old engine, rebuilded but older than me. And petrol in Germany is very expensive, 1,56 Euro per liter. so it made no sence to let the engine run fast.
Cooling water temp Wolfgang You might change your thermostat from 180 to 160 F. wich means it will open earlyer. What about the engine water channels are they cleaned ? is your waterpump and radiator working as they should ? By the way i ordered a multi flex 7 blade fan to mount on the short shaft pump instead of the 4 bladed for the 235 wich gives better cooling. I probebly have to tweak the blades a bit but it will work out. Good luck Martinius.
Running Hot O.K. Wokri ; In a way , this is good news ~ I agreed , you prolly need a 160? F thermostat and BE SURE to drill a 3/16" hole in the flat part to prevent steam / air locking . Are you aware that the correct coolant level is only 1/2" above the tubes in the radiator ? . Most vehicles want the coolant level to be about 13 MM below the filler neck , the AD Chevys will puke out coolant if you fill them this much , allow the coolant to seek it's own level and remember it . Also , buy a new (or used) temperature gauge and TEST IT before installing ~ they're not terribly expen$ive . DO NOT TEST WITH FLAME !!!!! . I *might* have a used one but no decalomania on it's face . Keep us posted , so far you've not answered what coolant mix you're using nor have you mentioned specifically how (if) you've cleaned the cooling system .
thermostat is out Hello Nate, I took the thermostat out and I mean the engine will be not so hot as yesterday. Next I'll will check if the old thermostat will work correct. but the hint of a 160er thermostat is okay. I'll will try to get one here in Germany. About the gauge I decided to buy me an VDO electric gauge and I'll install it when I got it. If bought me a sensor, that I will place in the top hose from radiator to the thermostat housing. I think it will be more accurate. Original is good, but sometimes updated products are better. wolfgang
cleaning channels/radiators ect. Wolfgang There is liguid in smaller botles you can buy at most parts stores or gas stations along the autobahn .You could use citric acid from the drugstore aswell wich works slower but efficient. Run your engine until its up to 100 F. Take your thermostate out after its hot anough. Poor the stuff in it and let it work for 4-5 days. If you have an el. tee cup warmer or water heater (spiral type) put this in the top of the thermostate house and let the truck stands for some days. Then clean out the water channel system by putting a water hoose and a strong hot water stream ( do not use any pressure steamer) here. you can do the same trick with your radiator and heating system inside. Martinius.
Running Hot Never , EVER run without a thermostat ! . It's O.K. (sort of) to run a too cold one (160* F) but no thermostant is DEATH to your engine . Allowing whatever claner you use , ti just sit there , pretty much guarantees it won't clean much and certainly not the tiny tubes and corners deep in the wtaer jacket that are so important to have clean . ALWAYS take the time to do a thing as best as you can ~ short cuts & rushing will come back to bite your @$$ , everytime , ruining your enjiyment of Vintage Vehicles .
Heating problem. I`ll agree with you here Nate. Wokri i used some spesial stuff named system rens that needs heat and circulation when added in the system , bought it from a local firm .It does no harm to anything inside the engine neither rubber. Spesifications are availeble in english. Norwegian comp. System Rens fra Skiens-firmaet Termorens, Rasmussen Engros AS ved Arendal. Tlf. 0047 370 25445. Martinius.
Hello, Blue flame and Nate, thank you for answering. Nate, its okay but the Truck is not a daily driver. I'll let it stay and Take my Mercedes until i get the thermostat. I've ordered one. Wolfgang
Thermostats They're all fairly standard is size ~ I get the Mercedes one will fit just fine , just remember to drill that small 5MM hole .
thermostat Wokri I bought a thermostat with a pressure release clip in top wich makes it not nessecery to bore the hole ! Martinius.
Nice ~ That's a four cylinder right ? . not sold in North America sad to say . What I meant was , I'd like to see a photo of the thermostat that doesn't need the steam hole drilled please . TIA ,
Mercedes 300 Turbo diesel I had a car like that Wokri , 300 turbo diesel with airco. automatic gearbox and 5 cyl. This model is solid and reliable and there is so much space in there. What do they go for in Germany nowerdays in good condition and under 100.000 km ? Martinius.