Still on points in Henry and want to update. Pertronix Kit or a HEI distributer? Stovebolt? Thoughts or advice??
Pertronix Kit, until you have it rebuilt. I have had the Pertronix on mine since 07 ish. Both will help keep the truck running far longer after it starts to smoke than the old points system. A lot longer
Was just reading some forums on the H.A.M.B. yesterday on this. First link is discussion which is better/pros/cons/etc. Sounds like the biggest decision would be if you want to retain an original look, or parts readily available with an HEI. Second link is the HEI conversion write-up. I think this is the route I will be going...
Ignition Upgrade First & foremost , remember that the ' H.A.M.B. ' means : Hokey Assed Message Board Most of the people over there know very little about anything and are keenly interested in posing , not actually driving and enjoying old rigs . The point of any electronic ignition system is : better performance and less repair , equaling lower co$t . In this , the Pertronix Ignitor wins hands down as it's initially cheaper and unless you don't follow the instructions , foolproof as IT NEVER FAILS . If it were a 194/230/250/292 I'd say go for the GM HEI because it's cheaper to switch . Both are sturdy units that rarely fail . I have a 25 year old Pertronix in a Lucas equipped English car , never failed , not once . My '69 C/10 I decided to go with the GM HEI from a '75 ~ '77 Chevy Nova because it co$t less to buy it in a junkyard , it's been working fine on my completely worn out 250 that drinks oil like a '52 Puch Twingle motocycle . Pay your $ and take your choice , both are fine .
Ignition upgrade! Tom Langdon Stovebolt sells the mini Hey wich is an afordable upgrade and looks very much like the old fashon standard ignition component. It whas easy to install . I know its less expencive then the original elctr. Hey ignition shown on the picture here. But there are price reduced Hey`s for sale at EBAY like the one shown in the HAMB article. I have tryed the Petronix device before wich also is a good choice. The trucks engine runs good on both but i am not shore about if the truck uses less fuel in any case i havent measured this yet really. Engine combusting is better and no ignition points to think of is the main important thing here. Martinius.
What do the Pro's use? Pertronix. My Dad and brother have been churning out top-notch restorations since '84. The overwhelming majority of them are AACA-winning BONE-STOCK resto's... like you read about. Pertronix hides well. Starts better. Runs better. EVERY one has gotten Pertronix, 6-volt, 12-volt, positive-ground, negative-ground, some of them brands I'd never even heard of. Need I say more?
Pertronix. Spend $85, installs in 5 min. Works perfectly. I documented it on the How to assemble and AD thread.
Cheap???, nothing is cheap anymore.. Most any rod shop, tractor supply house, The Truck Shop , chevy of the 40s . Hope this helps none of it is low priced anymore.
Either one since both are dead on reliable. I have Pertronix on everything around the shop with a gas engine and an HEI on my 37 Buick. I've seen HEI's go for so many miles that the advance weights wore through the pivot pins and they were still fine electronically. If we ever get to make our long trip in the Buick I'm going to take three distributors; the HEI, a Pertronix, and a point type. Reason: I lost the Pertronix before it was installed and was too cheap to buy another so machined a Pontiac HEI to fit and then found the Pertronix. The point type is going along because it will start and run on very low voltage, + or - 4.5v, while the electronic ones need right at a full 12v. If I wasn't such a pack rat I'd only have one straight eight distributor instead of a half dozen so the one with the Pertronix would not have been lost but I'm always going to "save this one complete just in case".
Considdering buying Pertronix electronic ign. replacement ? Install video YOUTUBE Together with a 12 v 3 ohm Pertronix coil and the number 1168 Pertonix ignitor for the chevy truck its a complete install. But my question is do you need to reset the ignition timing again ? Martinius.
Pertonix ignitor install. Thanks Bill for the quik reply. How is your truck project coming along ? Martinius.
It is now reliable, but not running like I think it should. Seems very anemic. Makes a "putt" sound, I think once every other revolution when under load. It may coincide with my weak compression cylinder # 5. When I get some spare time I'm planning to pull the #5 plug wire and see if I can tell any difference in the way it runs. Or maybe I can get Ken to crawl under it while it is running and hold a rag up to the end of the exhaust pipe to build some back pressure in the exhaust system to see if the "putt" is an exhaust leak of some kind. Ken says he does some of his best work lying on his back. I have a '48 gas tank & mounting hardware (mounts under the bed instead of in the cab) waiting for me at the Houston Greyhound terminal thanks to a fellow Old GMC'er in Kansas that I need to pick up tomorrow. This should allow installation of a Chevy Astro/GMC Safari van 2nd seat which will increase my legroom by about 2.5", much needed on my overweight/overtall body.
That Irregular Miss Ken ; That " phutt " noise may be what's called "Shooting Ducks " and happens when a valve momentarily fails to seat due to lack of the evil tetra ethylene lead in the gas , try some MMO in the gas tank , if that stops it , you're good to go , consider a high $ head job some time or just ignore it like I do .