It's Sunday ! . Did I make a previous post ? . Cruise from Corona , Ca. , @ 06:00 , meets up on Main St. right off the 91 Fwy . The show proper is at the Gympsum Canyon O.R. of the 91 freeway , gates open @ I dunno when , prolly 'round 08:00 . Always plenty of trucks of all types there to look at (or buy) . Cherries , Show Trucks , Beaters (ahem) , Hot Rods , Low Riders , Work Trucks , RACE TRUCKS even . Plus of course , lots of families having fun , kiddies running around smearing ice cream on their faces , LOUD music , vendors in shady tents selling their newest wares , plenty to see and do , or just sit and relax in the shade with the always pleasant breeze . I hope to remember to load up my folding chairs this year . It looks like Charles will be there , my big brother and I too ~ he usually drives the Hearse . Y'all Come now , y' hear ? .
brothers i will be there to along with two neighbors and there c10 s and anyone else we can get to go
I'm almost ready to go. Did not get to replace the side rails maybe need time or have it ready for the Primer Nationals which is named something else these days. Tire shop could did not have all the items for the Aluminum rims so the white ones stay on for now they also did not get in the center caps for the spares. I think I may bring along the JD wagon to old the ice chest
brothers maybe we should park by you charles so we can get our trucks in classic magazine. my neighbor painted his k5 blazer last year he got runner up best under construction so we will see what this year brings i also added some new goodies on my truck.
carb charles that place you got your carb from is the same place i got mine from great price and mine is still going strong i will have to get another one when i go duel carb set up but i got time
Those guys are great, in and out with a product without any issues attached to it. I may go for the duals, I have a matched set of YF's waiting to go on . First I got to stop that oil leak. See yo tomorrow. Charles
Bummer Here I sit @ 06:17 @ SWMBO's house , I just took a pain pill and I won't be going this year . Yesterday it was well over 100? F so naturally I was out on an acre of asphalt working om my Metropolitan Nash FHC most of the day in El Monte , Ca. . I got a lot of things done (! Radio again !) but by the time 3:30 rolled around and I threw in the towel , I gad a nasty gash on my arm and looked like someone had tossed a bucket of white paint on me from all the salt stains I'd sweated out . Hopefully next year I'll make it . Sorry guys , being old isn't always a picnic .
just got home just got home put truck away the show was another great show a lot of 47 to 53 trucks this year brothers said today was the most trucks at there show over 350 charles will post some pics later i am sure he took plenty .i sure wish i had a way to post pics well i am still a little low tech.
Just now arrived and put away all the goods we took there. Sadly, Not many pic's to post, Virginia's camera has to high res to up load to here. Kn owing that I only took some of Roberts truck and a couple of mine. May have to post only one shot at a time. After stepping off into a ground squirrel hole which caused my back to go into some nasty charley horse knots I was not able to walk around like I did the past years. There was one person there that stated he would send me pic's tomorrow if he can get them up loaded to his email. So we will see.
Cool pictures, Charles. I never noticed that your truck carried its own set of chop sticks up front there. Were there any good looking Gs there? (No, that's not a contradiction~)
The others are not loading, only three anyway. I honestly did not see any G's, I think a 56 or 57 won something for paint or interior.
Do a google search on 'image resizer for windows'. Works just fine for lowering resolution for posting, without losing too much for viewing.
Thanks Russ, I had forgotten I had opened an account with them, here is the link to the few photos I took that day. After finding I had left my camera home and then stepping into the ground squirrel hole and tweeking my back so it hurt like hell walking around I really did not want to take any photos at all with her camera. The shot showing the light blue cooler is the cooler I won in the raffle they have, and most all the prizes were great, tv, tool, heavy duty shop vac, truck items , etc. and things?sort=3&page=1
Nice truck show and meet up with you guys. My wife even bought me a tshirt. Next year I hope to have my truck ready to drive and attend.
brothers like i said Dennis you and your wife should of hung out with us for awhile. now we count down the days til next show.
It was great meeting you and your wife Dennis hope to see you there again with old blue.truck. Charles