Hello, Where can let the water flow out of the engine block? Please send a photo. For remember amy truck has a 235 engine.
Emptying the water system Open the Radiator pep Cock on the radiator front left side Disconnect Lower radiator hoose Disconnect Heater hooses Remove the thermosthate before doing this as air stamps in front of inside the system. Take a big bucket or something else and drain for water. Martinius.
Hi Martinus, I found a cock left side on the block near to the cab. Is this also for water? I turned it of but there came only a few drops. The radiator was taken off. I ask this because I will clean the cooling system before I put in wondarweld the close the cracks from inside before I put brass weld outside on the block, I hope this will close the crack for ever. If not I put out the engine to give it away to weld it. Wolfgang
So far so good! Yes thats a water drain tap.Sounds you have a plan with your Block . About the welding job i would take it to a Professional welder depends on how much experience you have ofcourse with cast iron welding .Have the block magnaflowed first of all (rontgen) to see what really has happened and how big the crack is. It can save you for a lot of money if the block is to badly damaged. I`ll think it can be difficult to find another block in Germany but in sweden and Danmark they are more easy to find ? Martinius.
Vester?s power big meet in Sweden! Hey Elky I am shore its this weekend.But i am not going to Vester?s in Sweden this time. Have you been there before and did you liked it? Here is on what is going to happen there this year. http://bigmeet.com/eng/ Martonius
Block Coolant Drain Remove the drain plug or valve and insert a short bit of stiff bent wire , the tip should be bent 90? , scrub it around the open hole until water (and rusty silty crud) flows out easily . Please keep us posted on how the crack repair works .