Looking for VIN on 1st 1955 Panel

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by BruceP, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. BruceP

    BruceP Member

    Jul 5, 2013
    Temecula, CA
    Just purchased a father & son project.
    Atempting to get into our name.
    Has a metal tag and VIN number on the driver side A pillar......but does NOT match the DMV paperwork.

    Seller received it from on old freind 16 years ago and never transfered into his name......has a non-op.....but the origional person who owned it is MIA

    Is there another place I can look to match up the number? I'm hoping to find another set of numbers (maybe on the frame) that match......this way I can keep the Black & Yellow license plate.

    FYI, I've looked on the frame rail......this is a 1955 (1st) 3100 Panel Truck.

    Thanks in advance for any & all help!!!
  2. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Welcome aboard Bruce, enjoy the ride while here. You can do a lien sale and get the title in your name. The State now has started a Legacy Plate program check DMV web site so you can use the style of plate for your rides era. I seen it when I paid my 60 CJ?s tags last month.

  3. DeadZoneTruckin

    DeadZoneTruckin Member

    Apr 17, 2010
    All 1947-1955 Advance Design trucks only had a VIN # data plate on the driver side inner hinge pillar.
    There were no other VIN #'s anywhere else on these trucks.

    Many older vehicles were titled by the engine # {stamped on the engine near the distributor} .

    If you are lucky & the truck still has the original engine..... check to see if that engine serial # matches your title.

    If not...Your only other 2 options are to obtain paperwork that matches your VIN # by registering it as a specially constructed vehicle.....after first getting a dismantle permit to tear it apart & then jumping through all the loopholes putting it back together.

    Or...........buy a new blank VIN # tag & stamp the numbers from your title on the new tag.

    A word of caution though.... Removing the original VIN tag & replacing it with a different VIN tag with different numbers is considered a felony offense in many states {Especially Calif. !} & could get you jail time if you get caught.

    Specially Constructed Vehicle. A vehicle that is built for private use, not for resale, and is not
    constructed by a licensed manufacturer or remanufacturer. A specially constructed vehicle may be built
    from (1) a kit; (2) new or used, or a combination of new and used, parts; or (3) a vehicle reported for
    dismantling (junked), as required by Section 5500 or 11520, which, when reconstructed, does not
    resemble the original make of the vehicle dismantled. A specially constructed vehicle is not a vehicle
    which has been repaired or restored to its original design by replacing parts.

    More info. specific to Calif. here....
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2013
  4. BruceP

    BruceP Member

    Jul 5, 2013
    Temecula, CA
    thanks Charles.....
  5. BruceP

    BruceP Member

    Jul 5, 2013
    Temecula, CA
    thanks deadzone.....I'm trying to keep it as origional as possible. the engine block and head numbers don't match......guess those have been changed out. The owners name and license number match, just the serial number in the door jam - is it possible someone along the way messed up the paper work?
  6. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.

    Call Any DMV office and ask what paperwork you need and what is involved in doing a lien sale on a truck that an hypothetical old renter left there when they took off in the middle of the night without paying you the $ for back rent owed. If the truck has not been on the street on gotten tickets you will have a title very soon. (example of Question)

    Also when you talk to them ask if they will look up the #'s on the door and see if anything comes up there, another avenue is an AAA office where you can go ask Q's of you are a member.

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2013
  7. pops54

    pops54 Member

    Dec 24, 2012
    henderson, nv
    I had the same issue on a 54 GMC that I purchased. it was a Ca. truck and I live in Nev. the title showed numbers where letters should have been. I contacted the Ca. DMV and was told to have a VIN inspection they would not except the Nev. DMV inspection so I had to take the truck to the NHP for the inspection, then I had to file a request to have the title changed along with the vin inspection and a form that had an explanation as to why. it took about 2 weeks and Ca. DMV sent me a new title that matched the VIN on the truck. contact the DMV and they will tell you the form numbers you need and they can be downloaded off of the DMV site. sorry i don't remember the numbers
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Titling Fun

    First and foremost , transfer it into your name !

    Skip all the story telling jazz .

    Once you have a title in your name , then and only then you can return to the DMV and tell them the engine was changed and you'd like a
    " title correction " the fee isn't much and you'll get a correct title .
  9. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Had they been paying the non-op fees all along every year? If they have just go and get it in your name as Nate states, if it is not been kept up DMV's records are only about 7 years then they drop it off. You could just use a service to handle all of it and not worry, http://www.americanlicensingservices.com/ ,http://www.sandsautoregistration.com/S_and_S_Auto_Registration_Services/Home.html .

    Last edited: Jul 8, 2013

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