Awesome photo, Ken... thanks for sharing! Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Independence Day!! Happy Birthday, America... God Bless. Damon
Wish i whas there ! Wish i whas in the US on the 4 th . of july this year but i am not. Wish you all a Nice day. Cool Train Picture Ken. Martinius.
Thanks Ken. I had a great day. Went to a parade with my wife and son. Then we went to a lunch place that a small train delivers your food. My son loved that one. After his nap I took him out for an ice cream cone while my wife was resting. Then we went to our friends house for the evening and watched the fireworks from a distance. Oh and before the parade started we went walking around and my son waved at everybody. So funny! Had some family in town the week before so I took my nephew out for a drive, hes 9 Then drove the truck to our back yard and let him drive He loved it. Heres a bad picture, but I'm showing him how to drive it
Nice ! I always love seeing Good Daddies ! . It's really not that hard to be a good Father , I managed it ~ I wish you alls could meet my Son . I had off duty since Wednesday , been working my bum off and scored a whole buncha vintage cars parts for less than scrap value . Sunday as I was easing my Ural Moto down remote Lone Pine Canyon Road , I moved to allow some red car to pass , it turned out to be jr. , Michelle and Penny in the Japanese Home Market RHD Honda Civic Coupe I bought them for Christmas.... I followed them home and visited with Penny (my Grand Daughter) , fell asleep on his sofa a while . All in all a nice 5 day holiday . I managed to put 250 miles on the Moto Sunday , I'm still paying for that now .
Great photos Brian! Glad to see everyone had a good fourth. Here in Pittsburg I walked through the largest car show I've seen here in the last 21 years! I'm thinking in two years my manly GMC will be in it also.
No DNA test required! The second picture tells it all! He's definitely a little clone of daddy! Glad to see you had such a fine day Brian! I'm sure your nephew went home and told all of his buds that he drive a relic! Zig, you did take some pics of the Pittsburg show, right? (hint, hint!)
Sorry big brother~ I actually rode my bicycle down to the show. I was thinking it would be the usual. Guess I should'f had my camera. Saw lots of cool cars. Sadly, only two AD trucks. One chopped up, tilt bedded Chevy, and of course my beautiful RED GMC that I believe I already posted pictures of. Lot's of other really neat cars. I think the Cobra had my vote, however. What a Zoom-Zoom looking car! Worth lotza $$$$ no doubt~
Thanks so much for the kind words fella's. Glad to hear you all had a great day as well. My wife and I enjoy our son so much. We can't wait to meet his brother. He should be here in about a month, Lord willing. Oh Paul that would be awesome to have your GMC in the show! Heck if I can find the time I would love to trailer mine down to the show as well. 45MPH isn't gonna happen... That would take me a day to get to ya. Plus then I can call it a trailer queen
As soon as I read that you'd put it on a "trailer"... That was what hit my mind! Brian has a trailer queen!!! HA!!! Hey, here's a picture of my little queen. (The last two were from her route 66 trip. She's sitting inside the original 'Mater)
wow she is growing up! Has it really been that long since my wife and I showed up at your place... Just awesome!
With a kid that age you'll soon start to get really dumb Zig. Hopefully the downward slide of the dumb curve won't go too deep or to long before you recover. Happens to all of us with kids.