When a 216 Bell housing and Flywheel is installed on a 1958 235 engine, My understanding is the BB is Top Dead Center, Is that correct? When Timing with a light,What timing mark is used? The BB or the triangle? What is the degree difference between the triangle and the BB? Again THANK You. We are getting CLOSE! JERRY
Flywheel Timimg Marks No ~ The BB is about 10 * BTDC , the triangle is the TDC mark . Same on all 216/235/261 engines . Dynamic timing below 600 RPM is best .
Engines with hydraulic lifters need both. I would start with setting the ign. using the triangle at first and then use the ign. light after that. My experience is that when the hydraulic lifters are sett well and the advance vacuum works the way it should this is the way to go. Difference is about 10 degrees! Martinius.
Ignition Timing No ~ Ignition timing is critical to proper operating temps , always , ALWAYS set the timing to the Ball bearing , static or dynamic .
Hmmmm! I disagree with you here Nate as the bellhousing from the 216 to fit the 235 makes it different. The angle ofsett makes the difference. I`d tryed that recepy at first using the BB mark but did not succeed ! Then i tryed the triangle together With a scope light to make it 100% right and the engine has been running like a smooth sewing machine ever sinds.
I DO NOT have hydraulic lifters. I installed a 261 cam and mechanical lifters. I have completed install and have it purring like a Kitten at idle and it goes like a raped ape when I stick my foot thru the carb. It is a pleasure to drive. I have squeezed out 70 mph on GPS and still had some foot feet left. I need to tighten steering box a bit, install 3 point seat belts , complete Alternator wiring. I also am considering AC, Need to look at Patricks and or Vintage air. I am also investigating purchase and installation of a 'roll top over box. Has anyone of you looked at those? Any comments on what you have learned.Thanks one and all who have been of assistance to me . I was a pain in the rear with many questions. One of the things I learned was Most of the stuff you worry yourself to death over NEVER happen. And another is The only thing to fear about these engine is Fear itself. You have to be a real ID10T to screw up these engines. They are damm near Bullet Proof. Again THANK YOU to any and all who came forward with HELP and Advice. Jerry May I add, My oil pressure continually pegs the old gauge at 30 PSI and the Temp gauge runs at a VERY consistant 180 degrees with a 180 degree thermostat.
So far so good. Seems you have a lot a progress With the AD here Jerry. Glad you came along With Your questions and found the Sources of the problems- Martinius.