Junkyard Heaven Wish we had Places like this in my country Russ. I am shore there is allways something to find at these yards that is intresting to buy.How is the price Level at this Place.What would a Complete wrack cost ? Martinius.
Parts are cheap at pull a parts... when you find what you want, you better get it. Many yards are going to pull your own around here. The remains on those trucks are pretty beat. Pull a parts will not sell a whole vehicle. This prevents them from having to move a whole line of wrecks to get one out. You can buy most parts off of the vehicles, break it down into parts and carry out the whole thing, but not buy the whole heap at once. These places are basically a metal scrapyard, but they let you buy parts until time is up. Then.....squish......a new Kia.
Um ; That's two by my count Russ but then I dropped out of High Schol so maybe I cain't count so gud ! . Picture 5 , look in the top center back ground.... When you thnk of " Country Junkyard " this place is it . I wish I'da had a camera when I lived Down East in the 1960's ~ your eye would bug out at what all they had .
On some week-ends several around here have an "anything you can carry out unassisted for $25". You would be AMAZED at what some people can carry on a back rack.
This is 2 steps away from country junkyard. It is a part of Carolina Salvage, the production yard, they put the older cars over in the U Pull It and charge $2 to come in and look. This one is pretty cool, they have more older and oddball stuff than the regular chain Pull A Parts, and don't squash as often. I got many parts for the Ford truck from here. Next time I go I'll shoot the side lot, where the owner puts all the cool old stuff, not to be picked over. You can kinda see them over the fence behind the tractor.