We got a tailgate in for a 51 (or 52) Ford pickup from Mid-Fifties and it is a piece of art. The spot welds are exactly round with zero flashing or spatter and are exactly the same distance between spots but the very best and most unique is it has BEAR CLAW latches. The striker spool for the latch and the limiter arms are excelent and you can run your hand over any surface and not feel any bobbles or burrs. Sounds like a refrigerator door closing when you shut it. If they start to offer the hardware kit for other brands I don't think we will use anything else.
nice. Good to see there is still good quality parts out there. Sorry I can't resist. Here is my custom fabricated tail gate. Yeah by my grandpa. I'm pretty proud of it
Evan, Does the manufacturer only make tailgates for Fords? I'd like to put a high quality tailgate on my truck (when I'm ready for that step) and I really like the idea of bear claw latches for the hind end. Thanks, Damon
Damon, Mar-k sells Chevy tailgates with bear claw latches. The tailgates made here in the USA too! Here ya go... http://www.mar-k.com/tailgate_closure.aspx Hope that helps, John
Evan: I saw the title of this thread and was wondering (hoping?) if you were straying from the PG rating this forum usually maintains. But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! It's a TRUCK tailgate. I guess it's just what is left of the dirty old man in me.
Tail Gate And here I thought it'd be about Sports . What kinda Old Truck Person doesn't want to hear the chains jingling and rattling as they bounce down some bad stretch of road ?? . I mean , just 'cause you put a $1,200.00 paint job on the bed alone , doesn't mean anything , right ? . That's what old bicycle tubes are for or those nifty OEM canvas chin cover things if the noise gets to you too much .
Tailgate on my 58 I got one of those tailgates for my 58 Fleetside. It is great. Had a bit of trouble aligning it with the rear end of the bed side.