looking around for a 283 block,1957 to 1967, just want another one as a back up motor.I wont be able to spend a lot of money for one right now ,funds are limited. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL GOD BLESS EVERYONE IN 2006.
Hey 283 man,I have an extra complete 283 minus the heads I could part with.It was running when I removed it,I rebuilt another 283 to put in my truck.Make an offer its just sitting on my engine stand.Jeremy
Im still interested in the 283 block, let me know looking forward to seeing the pic. too Thanks,Morton(283 man)
Are still looking for a 283? I know a guy in Berthoud,CO trying to get rid of a 1964 2V out of a C20 with the power pack heads. It's all in peices and all original.
Found one thanks anyway,Im sure someone else on Chevy Dudy forum would be very interested in it,283 v-8 was one of the best motors chevy made for 10 years form 1957 to 1967 and built just right they can be monsters. Welcome to the form, full of lots of interesting things....
He is going to be out of town for awhile. Not sure when he'll be back. I'll post info as soon as I hear from him.