Just about to pick up my 1950 chev truck.. its an Aussie built one from the holden factory. all there and running... just going to get the rego done and drive her around on sundays... might need some help with motor ID and the like....
Welcome aboard, enjoy the ride while here. Great looking truck you have, thanks for sharing the photo. Charles
G'day Mate! Love the right hand drive! That's a beast of a truck for sure! Glad to have an Aussie aboard! Take some more pictures of your truck and post them so we can see how "down under" vehicles look!
Bugger looks like another week before it will get here... Can anyone tell me if it should be 6 volt??? It is set up currently 12volt with neg earth...
Don't know about the Aussie stuff, but in the US it would have been 6 volt, but most have been changed to 12v simply for the ease of it.
Nice Rig ! Looks to be in VGC , inspect the toe boards closely for rust . The voltage thing makes no nevermind as long as the fuel gauge works , go with it . How about some under hood pix please ? .
Aussie Truck Welcome aboard. That is a solid Peace of steel you have there. Do you know anything of the trucks owners history except from the fact that it is a stake bed truck? I know its very hard to get the number identifiction on its Place in the US as its build overthere. I`d tryed to help out a friend in Australia fore a decade ago to identify the numbers from his 1/2 t as there are no Holden comp. plant records in australia for chevy trucks. Is this a 1 or 2 ton truck ? You could send an e.mail to the australian Chevy truck Club and ask fore help ! Martinius.
Yep I can trace it back to its first owner... It started out life as a delivery truck for a local vacuum oil company distributor.... I think it's a 2 ton truck... Tare is 2t Do you have any contact details for the Aussie Chev club??? Cheers Paul
Contact information That sounds Great. Maybe you could contact its first owner to try to get the wanted information. But here is some information. If you scroll down the page there is a guy with the same questions! What information do you have ? There is maybe a tag on the drivers door post , a tag on the torpedo wall , engine number behind the starter ? http://www.vvcaaqldinc.org.au/page1.php Good luck Martinius.
I am sure I will... It's in MY shed now but I am not home for a few days yet.... Unfortunately the D/S windscreen got smashed while being transported ... But a new one will be in by the time I get home... And new window rubbers... Ill post more pics and info when I start playing with her
AD Windshield Gass Be aware it's thinner than the modern stuff the glass shop will try to sell you ! it'll give you fits trying to install it . I have a pair of the correct thickness AD (1947 ~ 1953) pickups in my kitchen , I don't know what to do with them . Don't go using Chinese rubber either ~ it's trash . Go to Steele Rubber Company and get it there , that's the good stuff .
I vote Steele also. I'll be buying the whole set for the 41 F**d. I used a Steele windsheild rubber on the 53.....there really is a difference.
Hi guys.. I am still waiting for the windscreen man to come and fix it up!! I would love to get all the rubbers for the truck BUT postage is over the top... I wanted to order a Chev baseball cap a week or so back.. $15 for the hat... $85 postage .. nearly fell over. Might have to have a good look around for suppliers and see what I can find.. Apart from that I had her running on Friday.. and took her for a quick spin with my 2 boys... its running rough but it was still fun... I hve put rubber mud flaps on the rear and the required reflectors for rego....resealed the diff.. changed all the oils... all I need for rego now are 6 tyres.... once again I cant get any here in the NT...but I can get them from Brisbane.. $200 each....ouch.. oh well thats the joy of an old rig.....
Resurrections Co$t$ Sadly that's what causes most Big 'Bolts to be junked ~ the price of a set of tires far surpasses the value of the entire truck . If you hunt around there's always someone who has good take offs you can buy cheaply .
Well it took a while but I have 6 new tyres to fit... then its a tune up and rego.. what are the valve settings... anyone tell me off yhe top of there head