I'm really starting to get tired of this! The truck just doesn't run worth #$A*#! It won't accellerate over 20mph or so, it sputters & backfires but it starts & idles fine. Ive changed the fuel pump & filter, checked the vac to the map sensor & timing so what gives? There are no codes showing, could it be a bad ECU?
Sorry to hear that, Robert. You already took care of what I'd be thinking~ (fuel pump) So... No code seems "strange". Not even "random misfires"? How long has the gas been in the tank?
The gas is fresh. I think it's strange that there are no codes which leads me to think its the ECU. If I can't figure it out soon I'm just going to switch back to a carb.
Man, do I feel dumb!! I got frustrated with the TPI & found a great deal on a Edelbrock Air Gap intake with Endurashine finish topped off with a Demon 650 carb. Also had always wanted to swap out the existing frame mounted tank I had for a mustang setup & electric electric fuel pump. Sold the TPI & installed the intake & carb......same problem! Tonite I dropped the tank an low & behold I find my issue.... the darned sock had come off the pickup tube and trash had all but stopped up the line!!! I wished I'd started there to begin with but I'd ruled that out because all the lines from the tank forward were new! I could've saved myself a lot of time money and frustration!!!!!!!
Filter in the neck! I mounted a steel filter in the filling neck that helps a lot avoiding shit to come in to the system. Martinius.
By the time I finished putting the tank back in it was too late to take it out. If the storms hold off for awhile this afternoon I'll take it for a spin!
Sheeter, Look at the photos of that beautiful engine he has installed in his truck. Then you will see why there is no ECU on the 216.
Yup~ We are waiting for a video, Robert! Glad you found the problem! You can always go back if you want, right?
Robert, I'm glad ya got it figured out. Don't feel like your the only one this has happened to, It's happened to me before, only with a 3406E Caterpillar truck engine were things cost in the thousands rather than the hundreds. (Six electronic injectors, $3000.00). Found out a Kenworth mech. had the cam gear one tooth out of time. I found the problem and fixed it later myself for 3 hours of my time and zero dollars. Dad always said a good education ALWAYS costs money. Plus, you've helped us by telling us about it. Uh... Thanks, man.
Haven't had time to work on it much lately but still tweeking it. It was backfiring like crazy but I think I finally got the air fuel ratio adjusted right on the carb (Edelbrock 600, didn't like the duel feed Demon). Also looking at the a possible bad module on the dizzy. My brother & law told me to test it by disconnecting the vac & setting the timing to around 10 deg, then reconnect the hose. If there was no change, the the modules faulty. More to come....
You trusted him with your sister (or maybe he's your wife's brother??), but I think a diagnosis like that would be wrong. I'd go more along the lines of "then reconnect the hose. If there was no change, the vacuum advance is faulty."
It was the distributor, replaced it and that took care of that problem. Now on to the next. I thought the battery was going bad but it check out good when I had it tested. It starts & runs fine but if I turn it off & restart it, there's no juice , starter drags & wont start. Replaced the starterlast year with a mini Put it on the charger and I notice a sulfer smell which leads me to believe it's about shot. Gonna have it replaced again.