Helped my buddy load up cabs & beds today for his rust free Arizona sheet metal trip back to Hershey/Carlisle. I would describe the trailer as precarious :.... yet well balanced
Truck is registered as a motor home so he drives right by weigh stations without stopping. Guy makes 7-8 trips cross country a year & never gets stopped by the cops. The enclosed box is full of fenders,doors & grills. I now wholesale most of my used parts to him & let him argue with all the "thrifty" customers..... but he gets top dollar for Arizona parts in the northeast.
Dry parts to the northeast I believe I have seen him many times at both Carlisle and Hershey. He does indeed ask top dollar for his parts. Being "thrifty" myself, I usually just stop to say hello. The parts really are especially nice, though. Andy
The guy doesn't drive 5000 miles round trip back & forth across the country haulin' this stuff around for free... so "top dollar" is a relevant term. You guys in the rust belt of the northeast should be glad he hauls this stuff back for you.... 'cause when he retires in a few years... you will then have to pay $800-$1000 in freight shipping charges just to have a $500 cab delivered to your neck of the woods.
Rust belt Like I said, his parts are especially nice and top dollar is indeed a relative term. Spend it now to get great Arizona sheet metal or spend it later fixing the garbage that we usually get here in the northeast. Andy