Where to get parts

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by Calior, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Calior

    Calior Member

    Jan 26, 2013
    Hi there. New to this forum. Looking for some parts for 1959 Chevy Apache. Driver side door, windshield, and long bench seat. Looking for suggestions please. Thank you in advance.
  2. steve

    steve Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    My advice

    The old days of going to the junk yard (now called scrap yards or recycle center) are mostly gone, there are some far and in between and they know what the highest value they can get for what you’re looking for.

    If you not a rightest NOS (new old stock) type and will settle for good parts then the internet is a great source. I would suggest;

    a) see if the part is being reproduce. If so what is the going price search all suppliers.

    b) Can the part or item be found in good condition or repairable condition that I can fix have fix or live with.

    Give the internet a chance, but remember people are trying to make money, and the shipping cost will increase the cost of your purchase. You can get real bargains. And some people are still fair. A lot of people ask the question what is specific part worth (example a original beach seat) old trucks have been modified and the seats were replace with new model bucket or bench seats, not really looking good. So these are out there but hard to find so the price may be high and the seat will need to be re-upholstered. Something you may try to accomplish yourself. But the question is how bad do you want that original beach seat!
    I located a big window cab in southern California very little rust for 500.00, I had it shipped to Virginia for $600, I got two things accomplished. Got a big window cab and a rust free cab replacing my small window rusted out cab. I am just bless to have a understanding wife and a career that supports my hobby.
    This forum is a wealth of information read it and decided what is in your best interest and availability.

    God speed.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2013
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Task Force Parts

    Calior ;

    First thing is to always include your location as many here will read it and assume you're far away when they may have the part you need lying behind thier garage....

    Your truck is a " Task Force " serise and the big ones used the very same doors so there's plenty of good doors out there from them but most have nasty holes from long gone mirrors , this is simple to repair , rust is not .

    If you go to the parts for sale forum on this site , look for " Mother Trucker " , his name is Joe and he's in Arizona and has most everything you will ever need , all RUST FREE ! .

    Good luck hunting ! .
  4. 56GMC100

    56GMC100 Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    N Texas
    EBAY: rickslastchancegarage in Oregon. He's a righteous Guy that steers troubled kids back on the right track
  5. 58fleetside

    58fleetside Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Boulder, CO
    Where are you located?

    I know a good source in Longmont, CO, but I do not know if he will ship.

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