Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Has anyone replaced the windshield on a 1964 Chevy stepside? Is it pretty hard to do or can a dummy (me) do it ok? What should a windshield cost for this model truck? Thank you, Gary Miami, Texas
If you have never done it ??? DON'T ! Have a professional do it. It's a two man job, minimum, and will make you want to pull your teeth out with pliers... DVal
Definitely go for the company install. If they drop it, they buy it. If you drop it, well, you know the rest. I had mine replaced about three years ago. Cindy Rowe Auto Glass was able the get either the clear or the tinted, but I had to order the gasket from Chevy Duty. The clear was nearly twice the price of the tinted as it is a special order item.
I made an attempt to replace the back window once. After tearing the new seal and an hour of cussing I finally gave up and had it installed for about $60.00. When I got the new windshield installed, it was the same price if I had bought all the parts and did it myself.