hey guys, I have a chevy 350 with a four barrel edelbrock carb and intake. In the cold weather i choke it and it fires up fine, i leave it running and a few minutes later it is smoking and barely running. it eventually dies. I have no idea whats wrong. oh yeah the left side of the engine smokes more than the right. please help the temp is dropping more and more everyday. Mike
It could be just running to rich -is choke slowly opening up as it should? If you have a heat riser valve on exhaust manifold this closes one side and directs exhaust over intake manifold to other side untill warmed up, then opens thermostaticly for both pipes to work.
the engine has headers and the carb has a manual choke. the problem is it will run fine with no choke for like two minites then it starts to chug and smoke
Sounds like the fuel isn't totally vaporizing and starting to foul out the plugs, check for black plugs.