Its zooming-up on us! Very nice photo, Russ, but something is missing. SNOW!!! If diesel fuel didn't cost so much, I'd bring ya a semi-load fresh from Indiana!
Lookin' mighty festive, Russ! Looks like a mighty proud son there, too! My wife now knows what Santa needs to get me. A water pump and a portioning valve to I can finish my #%@*% brakes and fire my engine back up!!!!
Looks great. A little disappointed that the truck wasn't turned into a baby in a manger scene, but still looks great.
I hope everyone had a safe and fantastic Christmas? The ice finally melted here, so that made my day!
What X-Mass brings. There have been some heavy storms a long the coast here nowerdays, people where asked to stay inside there homes. Inside the country where we live aprox. 12 miles to the north of Oslo snow and cold weather came around the 15 th.of november. Now most of that snow is gone again and thats fine to all of us whom have to work outside all the year through. X-mass is a period in the year i can ly down on the sofa and relax a bit moore as usual. The famely with kids and friends gather and we eat traditional norwegian winter food such as Lute fisk , rakfisk , sheep meat , meatballs , sauercraut and a pint of home brewed beer , Aqua Vita or other strong spirituosa. My son and me have been doing some Research around the german airplain constructor Hans Grade and his mono airplain from 1909. The eindecker whas an airplane my wifes grandfather bought in those days in 1912 and therfore his intrest in ultralights. He is very intrested in building a replica of that particular monoplane in the future and maybe when the time comes when i become a pensioner i told him we could start on such a big Project ? Some others in Germany and Chech Rep. have done it before him so why not ! I am a member of the NVMC ( Norwegian veteran motorcycle Club ). In there december monthly magazine "sidevogna" they had a good article about a Norwegian man by the name of Iver Johnson. I am shore many of you know the name because of the firearms , bycicles and motorcycles the factory produced in the US started in the beginning of 1900. I-J pistols and shotguns have been known fore a long time. Robert F.Kennedy whas killed by such a pistol . His 1000 cc V- engine motorcycles have a fantastic construction but few are still around. The production stopped around 1915 if i remember this correctly. I wanna thank you all fore the contributions , practicall help and intresting topics to read on this forum. It inspires me a lot to keep in touch with a lot of you good americans . We wish you all a Nice and peacefull X-Mass and the best for the coming year. Martinius.