Better I'm now a lot like my old junkyard rigs ~ on Wednesday 12/18 Kaiser cut my neck open and removed three totally ruined discs and filled the gaps with necrotic bone structure (means : bones from dead people) before adding a titanium brace help in by self tapping screws , fusing my neck . 4 + hours on the operating table and boy howdy do I hurt but , I think 2014 will be a banner year for me , stand by please . I'm home already and can't drive , I can barely walk yet but I'm going crazy sitting on my thumbs whilst my truck sits in the driveway needing new manifolds and the carby rebuilt . I'm not allowed to touch my tools until late March if then . My Surgeon told me after wards that when he opened up my neck , the damage was far worse than the MRI's indicated , he doesn't understand how I was still walking around & working .
I had mine fused almost 20 years ago best thing i did Friend of mine was bad like you finally had it done 2 years ago and he is back to painting cars and bikes Hang in there and do what the doc says
Nate, glad to see you finally got your head screwed on right! If you're like me, you'll go crazy for the next few weeks, but by all means, do EVERYTHING the doc says! Merry Christmas! Ken
Nate glad to hear you're on the mends! If I were closer to you I'd help ya out on the repairs! Merry Christmas!!
My Surgeon told me after wards that when he opened up my neck , the damage was far worse than the MRI's indicated , he doesn't understand how I was still walking around & working . __________________ Cause you are a tough, determined old bastard. Good to hear from you.
It was good to be able to talk to Nate today, I'd been worried about the operation and how it went. It was good to hear he is doing better and that he was going to have a better Christmas than before.
Ouch Here's hoping you get relief from all the pain you have been in for years. Merry Christmas my friend
Amen to that ! I'm betting that 2014 will be a banner year for me . Amazing how many folks I've never met in person have offered to come over and work on my rig . People are wonderful .
Old Friend, Been down the same path several times for different things and it can drive an active man out of his tree. Lesson I did learn--the hard way--is to do as much as you can to recover faster but DON'T over do it. Wish you weren't so far away, you could join these 77 year old bones and we could sit by the stove and WATCH the younguns do their thing. Not ten minutes go by till you hear "whats this for?", "how does this work?", or "that ain't possible". Hard part is to not grab it out of their hands but instead watch them clumsy through the job. You have your computer and phone so contacting ANY of us would be a treat for both parties. Update us often; Evan
Thanx Evan Yes , many times I *do* wish I were in the Great State of TEXAS as I like it there very much . Down @ The Shop , my favorite junkyard , The Mayor's and The L.A.P.D. Garages , the kiddies are always asking me what the hell this does and how come I know this ? . Not to worry , I have NO PLANS to screw this early Christmas Present up ! . It took me over 10 years to get Kaiser to send me to a Neurosurgeon .
Thanx Russ Truth be told , I don't feel so very tough these days but folks who know me , keep saying that .
Glad to hear that all went well. Can't imagine how boring this forum would be without you adding insight to all the mistakes us "first timers" make. So, why fused? why not lead filled, isn't that how they did it in the old days? JK
That's great news, Nate! Like the other fellas here have said already... do what the doctors tell ya to do (more importantly... don't do what the tell you not to do... like over-do it). You'll be turning wrenches again before ya know it. You've been such a help to me and countless others here, I honestly wish I was closer to lend you a hand doing the things that need done. That's what humanity is all about, helping one another in our times of need. God Bless and Bah Humbug (Merry Christmas). Damon
Filler Choices Well you know , the Gub'mint says lead is a serious carcinogen so I can't use it any more . Besides , Russ , Even and so on are the Dolly & Hammer Men , I'm just a lil' old Mechanic so I chose the self tapping screws .
Nate, Good to hear they "repaired" you. Nowadays it's a surprise they don't go for the "replace" option... As all have said, do what the Doc says! The GF went under the knife on Monday for some knee work, my job is to make sure SHE does what the Doc says, I am sure your SWMBO is keeping an eye on you too! Be well.
Surgeries My Sister had a hip replaced the same day as I had my surgery . she's doing better but still groggy . I have to work at being still but I can and I will .