Glad to hear that is out of the way, now! I know sitting around is a TOUGH thing to do, especially if the weather is nice! Hang in there and keep us "in line"! I'm sure you've had better Christmas memories, but as long as this allows you to get back to normal, it will all be worth it, right?
Christmas Memories Those I have in spades , not many good ones tho' . It's sunny in Los Angeles , not a cloud in the sky , prolly 85*F out rioght now ~ I'm sweating a goodly bunch with the dang neck collar but it remains until The Dr. says off . I'm having the devil of a time finding this exact starter motor rebuilt , new or used : There must e 7 different # 16203 starters , only *this* one will fit , really close tolerances here . When I find it , I'll have my Son install it for me , prolly make the Guinness Book again for letting someone else work on my rig .
Get well soon, nate! I'm thankfull you can at least visit with us here. Mind the doc and get well soon, this forum would dry up without you!
Thank You Steve ! However , this site was here before me and will be here long after I expire . Still beating my brains out looking for a Hitachi # S114-170E starter motor . Anyone got the hookup on Nissan parts ? Nissan #'s 23300-U0102 or 23300-U0101R . Trying to find a Datsun / Nissan forklift truck arts place in So. Cal. as it also fits P40 engines .
Nate, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to you! Glad the operation went well. After you get back to 'Normal", I'm sure all the discomfort will be clearly worth it. We All Wish You Well. Take Care. Bill B.
Feeling Better ! THANK YOU kind Sir ! . Last night was really bad , neck pains made it impossible to sleep . I got up early this morning , my Brother took me to the Antique Auto Club's Annual " Holiday Outing " where several HUNDREDS of old cars , trucks and Motos gathered to show off a bit before going on a long half day drive . All the walking really helped reduce my pain levels . I expect to be abed & snoozing in 40 minutes or so .