Whas watching the news from the US to day. In different states the cold and snowy weather creates chaos everywhere! Wonder how forum participants from Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Indiana and Iowa are doing ? A lot a snow and cold weather is coming. Better to stay inside if posseble ! We are normally prepaired to cold weather in winter time in norway but this time the weather is mild in Our valley , means high temps and no snow ? That is the first time in my life i have experienced that ! Everyone be safe out there Martinius.
Cold Winter It's pretty bad Martinus . However , if they go back to the 1800's , it was worse , far worse . A friend slid his Town Car on an icy curve and was t-boned , his Lady is badly hurt , he and son , are O.K. . Please BE CAREFUL OUT THERE ! .
Today everything is a crisis. The 24/7 talking news heads can't help themselves. I gotta agree with Nate. Initially it was called "Global Warming", which wasn't to convincing in weather like folks are having now, so they changed the name to "Global Weather Change". http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterfe...bal-warming-alarmists-global-cooling-is-here/
What Lakeroadster said! Yes, they have to talk about something. Its minus 15 and 15" of snow here, been drifted-in for 30 hours and no sign of plow trucks, except the plow on my work pickup. My wife and I remember it being like this alot in the 1970s. They say it's "man caused climate change", I say bull-crap! Good news is, the kids are home and my welder in the shop works!
Steve, I lived in the Dayton Ohio area the first 47 years of my life. Were you around for the Blizzard of '78? We lived out in the country, didn't get out for a week. They brought earth moving equipment, the types they use for mining, to clear the roads. Then we drove down roads that looked like bob sled tunnels for the next month.
Yep, born, raised, and still live west central Indiana. In fact, where I live now is flat open farm country, where the roads looked just like your picture. The county had to employ the loaders and operators from the local stone quarrys to dig people out. No "level one" emergencys declared by some homeland security person either! How did we ever live without those..."people". Folks back then knew enough to keep more than enough food for "today"!!! Man, I could go on and on, but, I'm afraid it won't solve anything and most people don't want to listen.
I don't buy the "climate change" thing, either. Humans haven't been around long enough to know what's normal cyclic weather versus what's man-made change. The media is a poor excuse for information to the masses these days. It's been bitterly cold here in Iowa. Yesterday morning when I went to work, it was -14 F, with the wind chill factor below -30 F. This morning when I got home from work, it was a balmy -6 F. At least it's getting warmer. By the time this weekend is over, it's supposed to be 40 F again.... and I'm ready for it. Everyone be safe out there. Damon
It was 9 in Charlotte this morning. I know it doesn't compare with the north, but the last time it was 9 on this date was in the 1820s. It was colder in Atlanta than in Ancorage....... This sucks. At least we didn't have snow......
"Global warming" was a term created by the media. Scientists have used the term "global climate change" since the beginning. The media feeds on chaos and argument. No scientist says that this is man made, the only ones who say that are the stupid media pundits who only see the temperature on the weather channel. Scientist have been able to read the climate record based on many different records found in the earth. I won't go into too many details unless you ask me to. Truth is that there are natural climate fluxuations that go from hot like the cretaceous to cold like the last ice age. If you look at the AVERAGE global temperature over time the cycle is relatively constant. Then there is a dramatic spike right around the time on the industrial revolution. This average temperature don't necessarily mean every day will be warm or cold. Yes this year is colder than most but the last decade has been on AVERAGE warmer than the last. The last century has been one AVERAGE warmer than the 1700s. The real story, the one the media won't share, is that humans and their green house as output are accelerating the warming cycle. What this will do is eventually cause the climate to be much different than what humans have had to deal with before. I honestly believe that no one alive today will pay the price. Out children will see raised sea level and flooding of costal citied from ice melt at the caps along with other natural disasters caused by a drastically different climate. Humans as an entire race do make a difference but not enough that we will ever know it. Although its sped up is still slow by geologic standards. I get really pissed off about people saying global warming or buying into the media BS. If you see the science you will see that global climate change is real. Its just not the over night dooms day that they use to turn the populous against those trying to raise awareness. Only fools say abandon the fossil fuels. What needs to be done is to develop alternatives for the fuels we can. I have multiple degrees in earth science and geology on top of climate studies but then again what do I know. Martinius, Minnesota is cold right now but we just throw on warm clothes and its no big deal. Thanks for checking in on us.