Im currently going through the process of selling what is registered, sold to me as, and very well seems to be a 1954 chevy 3100 5 window pickup... a prospective buyer asked for a video of it starting and so i sent it to him, ten he replies with "1954's don't have floor pedal starters"... Is this at all true? because all of the literature i have read as of yet hasn't told me they don't have them. Thanks -Chris
He doesn't know what he is talking about. The only 54 half ton that did not have a floor start would be hydra-matic. Does it have a one piece front windshield? Does it have flat bed sides? 54 grille?
Thanks! Yes it has one piece windshield, what do you mean by flat bed sides? And yes the grille is a 54 style I appreciate it
Stomp starter was used on small truck GMC 6 cylinder engines with standard transmissions through 1959 models. I'm pretty sure Chevys were the same. Trucks equipped with Hydra-Matic transmissions, V8 engines and larger trucks where the physical relationship of the driver to the engine was different (COE, etc) used key activated starters.
Chris, I agree with Greg and Bill. If your prospective buyer doesn't believe you, send him a copy of this link which is an online version of the 1954 chevy truck shop manual. Ken
"Flat sides" means the top rail of the bed side is horizontal or "flat" while the 47-53 were at a 45 degree angle.
Make him read this cover to cover and then see if he still feels like arguing.
"54's definitely have floor mounted starter buttons. Your prospective buyer doesn't know what he's looking at. I would show him all the links that the other members have provided and see if he has anything else to say. If he still argues, just proceed with your sale to other interested buyers. As he's only going to waste your time. A 54 5 window shouldn't have any prob. selling. Good luck with your sale...........
Welcome chris ! I'd not waste much time talking to that guy , he clearly knows nothing about old trucks and will next try to grind you on the price . How about some photographs of your old '54 before you part with it ? . We love them all , rusty junkers like my work truck , just as much as those trailer queen show trucks so please , share some pix . -OldFarmBoyNate