So ; Skeeter asked me about this in another thread and I can't remember which one so here goes.... I was rambling around my favorite local self service junkyard and as always , I wandered over to the Guard's truck as he often picks up odd things when he's cleaning up the junk scattered all over the ground . This was lying on the seat . Being it was made in about 1948 , I was interested and picked it up . notice the body is pot metal not plastic and even the cigar lighter plug is metal , an uncommon thing and meaning this is very good quality . I plugged it in and naturally it worked . Both lenses are glass , not plastic . The neat thing is : it has a red safety lamp facing backwards so when you're changing your flat tire in the pitch black , you don't get hit by a passing car . I asked my buddy who runs the yard how much and he said " jeezo-peezo Nate ! this is MORE of the strange , worthless junk you're always finding ! how about $10 ? " . Picture # shows the neat wire stand built into it so it self supports . Okey-Doke my Friend , that sound fair to me ! . What do you alls think ? .
ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz................. When the pain allows me to sleep , I sleep very well indeed good sir . Everything I have , I worked for and earned , Karma is a wonderful thing , don't you agree ? . I'm working on getting an even rarer one now , it won't be used in my truck though . Do you guys ever look at my posts on the '67 ~ '72 Forum ? .
Oh I like that. I went to a place the call Dale Wiches man cave last night and they hv all kinds of car stuff I did see one of these but it did not have the red lense didnt have a price and no one around to ask so will try next wens night and see if someone around. I gotta have it now that I've seen yours I really like. I've been gathering old tools for that era as well to put in a tool box that was given to my Dad by his Grandpa. Yeah Now i have it and really nothing special but gonna put it in my ole truck. Thanks for sharing ttul guys..
Next Find : If you alls like that , how about this gem : I got it cheap too , it's a little bit too old fashioned to use in my '69 C/10 so it'll prolly wind up on one of my Motos . I piqued me sufficiently to look on Flea-Bay a search turned up several of them .
Too cool! Is it 6v or 12v? I'm amazed at the stuff you find in your boneyards! I've got some neat stuff, but nothing compared to what you find daily! Keep on finding and sharing!
Wandering in my uncles' junkyard yesterday. 49 Caddy... With the 331, bored 180 over, 57 Caddy pistons, big cam. He used to drag race it back in the day. He also has a 2-4 setup, another single 4, and a 3-2 setup for it. F1 ARMY AMBULANCE FULL OF ENGINE PARTS.. In the back..
59 Opel Rekord... a trailer......for at least 30 years. Shipped out from California. Been on this ramp truck for 20 years. A/c truck. Falcon Ranchero..
Cast iron Powerglide growing into a tree.. Olds? Block in a tree.... Plymouth 3 speed and Overdrive...