Does anyone have any plans or pictures of their rear bumper set up which would incorporate a receiver hitch on a 1 ton. I just smashed beyond recognition one of the tin foil foreign versions out there. I am thinking diamond plate wrap around design that could be used for something besides looking at. I do not store my spare under bed. Thanks, Jerry
You should have seen the big redneck farmall bumper that was on mine when I got it. Looked like 2 step bumpers welded on top of each other, then welded to the frame. 2 outriggers went from the bottom to the frame. They used to pull polo horses in a triler with it. An f 150 rear ended me with it,,,,,,folded his bumper, didn't scratch mine. I used it to patch my fence bottom for years, finally scrapped it.
Here are a few of my 1 ton. This hitch is a standard hitch that they simply added brackets to mount it below the bumper, but it looks like a beast. You should have heard the tow truck guy cursing it I can get more if you need them.
Pictures Pictures showing the mounting of that receiver to the frame would be great and I thank you in advance. Jerry
Here is one on a 48 3100 but the principle would be the same. IIRC the bracket is for a 48-72 Ford PU and was the right width to bolt to the bottom frame flanges and then braced to the old spare tire crossmember. The hitch is concealed behind the license plate so when he uses it he puts the license in the back window and slides the hitch into the receiver. The I.D. light even lights up the ball for hooking up in the dark. For ones looking that is a factory under bed gas tank and the Panhard bar is near level when the weight of the bed is on the chassis.
Rear Bumper If you're going to tow with it , use a diamond plate AD truck bumper properly mounted . Most of the time folks remove and discard them so there's plenty to be found , you just have to begin beating the bushes , asking every single AD Hot Rod owner what they did with the nasty old heavy , FUGLY bumper . They're easy to straighten out and then bead blast , have painted or powder coated then install and you'll have a unique tow rig that looks good as well as SAFE and gives better crash protection too .
Rear Bumpers No ; So many different ones were made and sold , there's no way to catalog them all . Joe will have some stacked up ready to sell as few seem to want them , I won't have a pickup without one .
Thanks Rusty That thing looks like its built better than a brick outhouse! Jerry Still waiting on Dead Zone Joe to reply.
I know it is strong enough to hold the weight of the truck with the front end up on the back of a rollback, and then it was drug for at least 10' like that. I really enjoyed watching the tow truck driver earn his money. Ended up putting 2 4x4 posts and a couple of planks to get the wheels high enough to keep the hitch from dragging. Ah, the joys of a steep driveway.
Tubby, Wow, thanks for the photos!!! Those bumpers are pretty cool. The second part to my Sinclair Chevy project will be a trailer, since my grandpa also rented trailers out of his Sinclair service station. It'll be a while before I can get to the trailer part, since the truck is taking me so long, but putting one of these bumpers on the truck while I'm building it might be the ticket to prepping for the trailer project later on. Damon