It's A Joke ! Martinus ; A ' roundtuit ' is a American joke = " when I get around to it " . So , now they sell / give away little round things stamped " roundtuit " and that means you no longer have any excuse not to fix a thing .
Yoke Funny yoke i had to laugh I i am not allways updated in local Expressions. But anyway we know where the expression comes from right. Thanks for telling me.
MUCH better. Did the road test with 1/8" toe in instead of 5/16" toe out. 60 MPH now a lot more comfortable. Also finished the first tank of gas with the speedometer (and odometer) properly calibrated. 15.0 miles per gallon on a mix of around town and highway.
Brand 'F' They pushed it of course Bill . For really pretty Brand 'F' trucks , look up pictures of '38 / '39 ' Barrel Nose ' trucks ~ if only they'd had Generous Motors Corporation OHV engines ! .
Bill, I'd try holding a 2# hammer for backup against one side of coupling, and whack the other side with a 16oz ball pein. Work around as far as is practical, then spray with a good penetrating oil, and I'd bet it will move then. At least consider trying this before complete disassembly, unless you just need to go through it anyhow. My truck had a similar issue, and drives much better since adjusting. Give me a month, and I'll come help. Be Safe, My Friend.
Thanks Bill, but you missed the update where I got it to break loose. How's the knee? BTW, I ran across the 1 trim ring that popped off my '57 when it went inverted. Do you still need 1 trim ring? Mine's a 15".
Thanks Bill. Been kinda in a fog for the last week.... The knee is pretty much OK. Everything attached to it hurts like crazy (without the enhancements of Hydrocodone). Rehab is every day 'till Thursday at Dr's facility, and twice at home each day, so everything stays real sore! I see the light at the end of the tunnel, though. Go to 3 times a week for a few weeks more, and at home every day until forever, I think. I think I'm making progress though. Getting less painful. I have 16" wheels... Got a ring sizer?
I just bought one from Hazard Fraught! Works good! Still trying to find a replacement for my old left handed sky hook!
2am and I can't sleep. .. Last week Dr ordered a bone scan because of continued pain and swelling. Told me yesterday that my new knee has become "loose"! Stop all exercise. Don't walk any more than necessary. Keep it up as much as possible. Try not to encourage relative movement between bone and prosthesis. Try this for two months. If it hasn't healed...probably go in and replace it! I'm half sick with anxiety now... Dr wants to give bone a chance to fill the void.
bad prosthesis That's tough luck. I live 45-60 mins East of Manhattan on Long Island. I tell all my patients that if they lived in the middle of Iowa they would drive at least that far to go to the NEAREST orthopedist. So why won't they go into NY city to see the absolute best? The Hospital for Special Surgery and Mount Sinai Orthopedic Group are world renowned. Any patient that has taken my advice on joint replacement at those places has done well. Patients that have had them done locally have not faired as well and a few have had to have "loose" prosthetic joints replaced. Unfortunately, you may have to find a new doc and get a second opinion. Whatever the nearest BIG city (read...Houston or Dallas) is to you is where you need to find the most experienced and best at knee replacement. Hips are easy to replace. Knees are tougher. I wish you the best of luck with this. Andy
Thanks Andy. I live on the north edge of Houston. The Woodlands is one of the most affluent areas around Houston and attracts good medical professionals as well. Sometimes it's not necessarily anyone's fault. I'll do my best to do my part in helping the healing process. On that note, do you think maybe I should just go on crutches for a while?
Bill: Maybe we could fill the gaps with some of the Bondo left over from my recent door work. Will this keep you from the swap meet?
Bill, I'll still be able to go to the swap meet. Bring some bondo with you I've decided on my own to use crutches... I just want to give every opportunity for my knee to heal properly. So I will be able to wander a bit.