I saw an early fifties single axle AD with a fifth wheel on it powered by a Detroit. I can't recall but I think it was a 6-53. Don't know if that was original equipment or a custom built truck. The truck was owned by a US midway ride company that was in Saskatoon Sk at the annual Exhibition, years ago. It needed work and was left at a truck dealer, and never claimed. The shop sold it to recoup repair bills and it had been sitting since. Anyway it's a project I'm considering. Has anyone ever tackled a diesel swap into an AD? Several options I've looked at are a 4-53 detroit, 4bt cummins or a sd25 Nissan.
I found that GMC offered a 4-71 or 6-71 GM diesel in their early fifties trucks. The truck I saw was likely a 650 model. I'm surprised Chevy didn't offer the same options.
Diesel truck Here are some photos of the 650 model GMC. http://forums.justoldtrucks.com/Topic33660.aspx?PageIndex=2 If my information is right the 58 Task-Force Chevy truck With 4 Wheel drive used diesel engines? But correct me if i am wrong ! https://www.google.no/search?hl=no&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=623&q=GMC+650+model+diesel&oq=GMC+650+model+diesel&gs_l=img.3...3006.15351.0.16406.
Great pics! Can you imagine 12 hour days pounding down the highway in one of those? They more than earned their money.
I traded for a 54 half ton with a 4 cylinder Perkins diesel which of course was a custom conversion. Was a very sanitary installation by a retired diesel mechanic. Sort of slow on the get up and go but lots of torque. Never did check mileage before friends with a salvage yard needed the engine for their fork lift. Was going to use the truck for my 12 port dohc 302 GMC project but that got sidetracked.
Diesel engines 4 and 6 cylinder diesel engines. I find this a very intresting topic ! It looks like the 6 cylinders are quite easy adaptable for the half ton truck. A better choce fore Your truck i`d think! I know to litle about what drivetrain you should choose. But i know diesels are very durable and easy to maintain. How much does a gallon of diesel cost in the US at the moment ? Detroit or Perkins are great Choices. But they cost quite a few bucks remanufactured. Maybe its posseble to find one on EBAY for a resonneble amount of Money and overhaul the engine yourself ? Martinius. https://www.google.no/search?hl=no&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=623&q=6-71+diesel+engine&oq=6-71+diesel+engine&gs_l=img.3...1953.8150.0.8865. https://www.google.no/search?hl=no&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=623&q=6-71+diesel+engine&oq=6-71+diesel+engine&gs_l=img.3...1953.8150.0.8865.
Central America I ran into a cool guy from Argentina...who bought a suburban, maybe 1968??? had the triangle tail lights...Anyway, this couple were traveling from Argentina to Canada...living slow and low off the land and trinkets they made along the way...Oh, I ran into them in Panama on a visit there up in the mountains. It had a old diesel in it. He said it ran better, stronger, better fuel milage, easier to get parts along the road, and much more dependable. The diesel was not new, but one that came off of another wrecked vehicle. I probably spent an hour waiting by his vehicle to talk to him. and spent another couple of hours just shooting the breeze. Really had lots to talk about. Oh, it was the oldest vehicle I ran into that trip...and I was looking. rod
Rod, Did the guy you talk to say what kind of diesel he was running? Was it a V8 striaght 6, Gimmy or what? Sounded like a solid set up.
Here in Saskatchewan current diesel price is $1.35 per litre. That would convert to approx $5.65 US$ per US gallon. Gas is $1.18 per litre. The Cummins 4bt looks like a very good candidate for a swap.
Here are specs for the Cummins. It close in dimension and weight to the 235. http://www.cumminsdieselspecs.com/4bt.html