I am in the home stretch of completing my 53 Chevy 5-window. Made the change from 6 volt to 12 volt. Purchased a new 12 volt gas gauge and replaced the sending unit. Both came from our host. Wired the unit in and the gauge doesn't move. Stuck dead in the middle. I have about a quarter tank of gas. Ground looks good and solid. Anyone else have this problem? Any thoughts? Slinger.
Ground It was the ground on my truck...I put some alligator clips several differnt close places to check it...turned out I finally found a solid place and then put in a permanent wire...1948...under the bed tank.
I have had problems with the 12v guages. Pull the sender out of the tank and ground the housing. With the key on, move the sender float up and down and see if the guage reacts.
Fuel Gauge Any progress yet ? . I'll write up a how to test and diagnose it if you need , first you'll need 10' of wire with alligator clips on both ends , two of these jumper wires , they're very useful when working on older vehicles .