Whoa! Ken - Guess this means you are getting REAL close to being done?????? What a beauty!!!!!!!!! Bob
Looking great! Shankamoto - your '51 is really coming along. Nice work!! Bob
Alan, these guys are right...things take a loooooooooong time! Just judging from the pictures, it looks like an original hood to me. Even...
Lots of work there if you are up to it...also lots of fun if you prefer to look at it that way. BTW, the hood emblem says early '55. Bob
Thanks Zig...not my wife, a crazy friend of mine. :)
Avatar setting Thanks Zig, finally got around to doing this myself. Not as difficult as I thought it might be! NICE TRUCK RON!!!!!!!! Bob
Very sorry to hear this Andy. We're all with you...hang in there man. Bob
It will probably outlast all of us. :) Bob
NAPA Rust Treatment Nate - as you have already discovered, a small amount is all that is needed...guess I should have warned you about that....
Battery tray Way to go Nate! Persistence pays! Bob
Ports Yes Nate, just like the whine that is created by explosive gasses rushing through the intake PORTS on a cylinder head. Do you know if...
Digital cameras Yes Nate - we all have our gifts, don't we? I guess purchasing a camera is like any other electronic piece...first off you have...
Acids Nate, Thanks for the info on the acids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, would you be interested in purchasing a used digital camera?...
Acid for cleaning rust I use muratic acid for cleaning things I don't want to beadblast...hinges and such that can't have any grit in them when...
NAPA Rust Treatment Nate, After looking at my bottle of this stuff, I see it is made for NAPA by Permatex. It looks like chocolate milk going...
Powder coating Nate, a good powder coating shop can make it any gloss you like. They can also put it on thin, so you don't lose any of the...
Nate, from my experience I would probably powder coat for longevity and best look...but there is a time factor with it plus you really do need...
Beautiful grill Ken, I want you to rechrome mine a few years back and painstakingly reassemble it too. Name your price. American Grafitti...
That shore is purdy, Ken! Thanks for the pictures. Bob
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