thanks, that helps
Thanks Thanks for your input. Can anyone direct me to a diagram of where the hoses hook to the engine and to the oil filter cannister?...
I did an oil change yesterday on my 1954 235 yesterday I was suprised to discover the oil filter cannister was empty and it did not look like oil...
Numbers Thanks Ken. Is there any way to tell if the engine was the original motor installed in the truck at the time of production?
Engine numbers Engine numbers end in T54X; what does that mean? thanks
thanks for your help
Nate: Hope all is well with you out there in the shaky zone, my daughter lives in Chino Hills and I worry about both of you. My concern is my...
Thanks I will check on the WIX filter number. I also found one at Jim Carter.
Paper Filter I have that same air filter with the copper mesh and oil bath, where can I get a micronic paper filter to fit it?
It's a mystery to me No wires, no clues.
Unknown I don't know what it is or does, but I have one in my 54 chevy truck also.
More Happy Sounds I am so lucky to have found an original 54 radio and then to find Alan who did the restoration. But the really good part is...
Way back last spring I was looking for a radio to rebuild for my 1954 Chevy truck. An owner in California had a complete, but not working radio...
Plates The number on the 1954 plates does not matter and is not registered-you can display any YOM plate as long as the new correctly registered...
North Carolina allows us to display the year of manufacture plate and keep the new plate with the vehicle. I store mine under the floormat. This...
Sorry, not sure of the exact color, I think it might be a little darker than the standard juniper green, but I could be wrong about that. If you...
Rolled up to the supermarket this morning in my 54, shut down the engine and tried to shift the three on the tree into first, but-oh no! The...
EASY! First car, 1955 chevy BelAir convertible, black and white with a 265 and powerglide, and a great backseat. Sold it in 1969 for $500 to buy...
Heavy Chevy does list one on their website so I will order it and see if it works. thanks!
Any ideas on where to find a new gasket or how to replace the radio speaker gasket in the 54 when I install the rebuilt radio? Thanks for you help.
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