Dismantle Question. On this filter, hose to the oil pan and top of the water pump arera. Do I unscrew these brass fittings and use a bolt with...
I changed out the oil canister at the pan with the screw on style. Now I wounder about the other external canister . Questions \ What are the...
support I,ve got one that needs some work , sell it real cheap Huntington beach Ca,
[ATTACH] the new grill support, freshly painted grill, see my profile pic of the original bent / bondoed support. No evidence of front end damage...
thanks guys, got most of the bolts off, so much road grime in those wheel wells tough to get the socket attached. Patience and liquid wrench are...
I am replacing the grill support / backing on my 64 Chevy truck and have already pulled the bumper ,as of now. Looking around the front end lots...
I have a bench seat that needs reupolstered mostly on the drivers side 100% factory original. 50 bucks Huntington Beach ca.:)
Send me a pic my grill needs help with upper support
Good drivers side Passenger side was hit, needs some attention see pic 40.00 takes it away...... Huntington beach ca.
I was looking around and saw prices like around 546.00 painless and other types. l
I just got back from the Chevy truck junkyard in Santa Ana. 2 used harnesses with a fair amount of corosion on the fuse holder , will take some...
My fuse box is on the brink and I need to find a donor, anyone know of a good source?
yeah, I might miss it, I've gotten emotionally attached to old vehicles before this old truck is fun to cruise here in the fast life of Orange...
Where is the cab grounded to the frame? I was told that might be the root of my electrical problems.... hmmmm????
I have come to the realization my old Chevy has got to go to much going on to have a extra truck around . It needs to go to a good home, somebody...
Truck is for sale in Huntington Beach, check out craigslist
Head lights had a broken wire in the harness inside the cab were it comes in from the plug off the fire wall, had to bypass the dead zone. lost...
There was black wire coming off the regulators metal frame, factory threaded, any idea what the reason for that is. also What is the potential...
I swaped out the voltage regulator and horn relay and all of a sudden I'm getting no power to start with . I think I grounded the Voltage reg...
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