Dang California " Motor Fuel " ! whatever the heck it is , it AIN'T Gasoline ! . I was fiddling with the carby on my '69 C/10 yesterday and inverted it , some fuel ran out & splashed on the cement ~ as I was thinking of reaching for a rag to wipe it up , it simply evaporated as I watched ~ in a matter of seconds it was *gone* not a trace , no smell , no stain . How the hell am I supposed to make a carburated engine run correctly on this crap ? . GRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .
What with all the oxygenated and blended fuels you guys use out there in Cali. I'm amazed it will even burn.
I remember when we use to use gas to clean parts, especially the carb in a bucket. I wouldn't use the gas now. Don't even want to use it in my truck....but whatcha gonna do? HAGD
MORE Rant : Shop Parts Cleaner Oh bother, here goes grumpy old Nate the nutter on another tear...... We have a water based , Citrus mix warm liquid parts washer instead of the old timey Grey Mills Solvent Tank Parst Washer all Elder Mechanics know and love because it turned out that Stoddard Safety Solvent was deadly stuff ~ they had to invent new words for the blood cancer if gave so many.... Anyways , as I was chasing starter parts in Pick-A-Part Sunday last , I spotted the Rocker Box off the 1975 Nova's 250 CID engine lying in the dirt underneath the next car over , as my '69 C/10's 250 has a cheapo Chinese chrome rocker box , one that doesn't have the nice metal tabs to hold the wiring harness from flopping about in the fan's propwash ,I grabbed it , bagged it and tossed in the bed . To - day I attempted to clean it up a bit and the taffy like goo inside it , along with the gooey exterior and flaking multiple coats of paint (did you ever think a Chevy L6 would look good in yellow ? neither do I but..) , all this wonderful stuff , transferred to my gloves , the parts washer , the brushes (metal and paint) , the clean rags I tried using , the cover in even thinner sheets , pretty much everywhere but down the drain where I wanted it to go . After a while I more or less gave up , it's vastly better than when I began but I think I'll do the job my way behind my gate with some emulsifying de greaser , I know that'll leave it clean and dry so I can then wire brush off the old paint & get it ready for a nice new coat of GMC red . That's it for now ~ I go Off Duty in 5 minutes so no more whining , carry on Gentlemen ! .
MORE ' fun ' O.K., I was so fired up I worked like the Devil was behind me all day Saturday and got lots done (head pipe still leaks tho' ) , This morning I rolled out late and was able to make it to a luncheon & car show but when I got home to begin working , SWMBO put me to bed for a while and made me be still . It's just as well as I doubt I coulda done much works .