Hi could someone please tell me if the frt marker lights should go out when you turn on headlights on a 1951 3100 ??? I thought they would stay on ... THANKS
Re; I wired mine so they would stay on with the headlights. Don't ask me how I wired them,its been too long. lmbo
Simple : At the light switch , you simply move the park light wire over to the taillight terminal.... I'm not sure why you'd want to do this incorrect thing tho'.... Safety I guess .
Re; If you remember some of my older posts,the 53 was a hot rod. Guess I was just messin 'round. If the son in law doesn't come up with the cash this week,I will have her back. Its been a year since he "bought" it. LMAO
Simple Solution I'd not wait , just go reclaim it and when he shows up , have it cleaned and ready for re-sale , if he has the $ , tell him you wanted it nice for the payoff , if he shows up sans $ , just remind him he obviously didn't want it else he'd have paid allready , no further discussion needed . Kids ~ feh .
I hear ya Nate! He's had more than enough time,but he HAS been keeping it in his garage out of the weather. lol
I seen this movie before~ Here's how it ends. You will get the truck back, but since he "stored" it in his garage all that time, he informs you that there is a small "storage fee" that he would like you to pay before you can come pick it up. (You make no money on the deal and actually end up SPENDING $$$...) I know~ Something like this would n-e-v-e-r happen...