Hey fellas , does anyone whether know if i remove the quarter windows and tracks from my 52 3100 doors i can fit single piece 50 windows and tracks , my doors are in great shape but the style im going with would need the quarter windows gone and the big windows in their place , has anyone done this or will i have to fit complete 50 doors? Cheers guys ASH
I did it with my drivers side door. You will need to get exact measurements as to where the pivot point is for the scissor action of the braket on the door that as the one solid window and weld a piece of channel in there. There is alos a place in the front of the door adjacent to where your VIN tag mounts on the door frame where you will have to drill a hole for a screw to hold the front of the bracket. This is a critical spot to keep the window from getting bound up a little bit. Don't ask me how I know. Anyway, it can be done with some careful measurement and a little welding. Good luck, Gater
I dont suppose you took any pics did ya? that is what i wanted to hear , my doors are A1 so i didnt want to part with them just coz they had the wrong style glass! it'll keep people wondering too, single piece glass/ push button door handles on a 50 , i love it! cheers Gater
One Piece Glass I certainly hope you all are adding air conditioning as there's a reason GM decided to cut into thier profit margin by adding no draft windows..... Driver comfort ! . these trucks don't vent all that well so your spiffy new one piece windows may look kool but you'll be dying in there come summertime....
i am gonna insulate the firewall , etc to try to keep the heat down , but my windows will be open all year most probably , i dont like heat too much air con is a possibility though Cheers
Good deal ! here in the dry SouthWest , I keep my windows open pretty much year 'round , along with the cowl vent and the crotch cooler door.....
There also is a place called no limit engineering that makes a conversion kit to swap it over there number 1-888-247-6032