I am looking for a 3sp column shifter for a 1953 Chevy 3100; the shifter box that mounts on the column, the shaft that connects the shifter to the box, the bracket that mounts it to the steering column, and the shift linkage.
Where are you located? They come up on eBay every once in awhile. I'll try to alert you next time I see one.
Larrys Nice pic on your preview. Thanks for the notice. I have only seen 1 advertised on ebay over the last 6 months since I've been looking. I almost bought it, thought I had time but the listing disappeared. I keep checking but nothing yet. If you do see one , yes I would appreciate you letting me know! Thank, Brad
You might try sending Joe "DeadZoneTruckin" a Private Message and see if he has what you need for sale. He has some recent posts on our talk forum.