Sweet. I have been kicking around the idea of building a canned ham for a work trailer off of an old pop up frame.
towing thanks guys I hope there will be no problem towing this trailer after i change the gear ratio to 355 to 1 i knwow i will need to make a hitch also.
Sweet ! I didn't know you alls liked this sort of thing , a couple years ago the goof I worked with asked me to help him ' get rid ' of the family's 1959 trailer like this , of course his hateful trailer trash sister got involved and registered the damned thing to ME so long after I'd given it away , I continued getting parking tickets , in due time the state wanted to arrest me and sieze my paycheck for the unpaid tickets I'd written and and sundry explaining I NEVER owned it but the State and the Sherrifs had a name and they weren't about to let go as I have a Civil Service job so it was a simple thing to take my paycheck.... Eventually I found where it was parked far away and went and took the license plate off it and paid the D.M.V. $250.00 to junk it out... I still work with the boob who's sister screwed me on the deal , I wish it had gone to a better home , being free and in VGC No good deed goes unpunished ! Take your kids CAMPING in that cool old trailer ! .
I thought youd never ask You wont beleive i paid 200 dollars and the guy actualy brought it to my house if i use it once or twice it will pay for its self i have always wanted an old trailer like this it doesnt need any thing every thing works all i need is to build a hitch and buy a new mattres and go.I will probably restore it some day.
My dream too AWESOME! These trailers are great. You will have fun with this. My dream is to get my truck on the road and find me one of the 8 or 10 footers to pull across the county and do some exploring and some visiting. Congratulations and enjoy!
My dream, also! I was over at my dads today. I told him about your trailer and he mentioned that he saw this show about RVs that had a nice segment about teardrop trailers~ The kind I want to build one of. He went on and on about trailers and camping trips we've had. I have no doubt I'll be building one in the future. It will be dedicated to him. Of course my daughters memories of camping will be with her dad and that manly truck that pulled around that home-built camper and alllll those places they went... Ron~ You've got a great "memory maker" there!
Teardrop Trailers There's an article from the 1946 Popular Mechanics magazine , it has been reproduced by that publisher and can still be used for building a sweet little trailer . Remember : marine grade plywood or a metal floor or it'll be junk in 5 years tops .
Funny thing, I was looking at this: http://www.campingearth.com/teardrop/ Real tempting. Saw an A Model pulling one at Hershey last year. What a way to travel...
Here's another link to build your own teardrop trailer. http://53truck.ez15loan.com/howto/trailer.htm
OUTSTANDING, Big Brother!!! How cool! Plans that include how to build the trailer part of it! My dad made a comment about how the wheels stuck outside the walls. He said if you punched the walls out, you could still have the 4 feet of floor space, but you'd also increase the area of cabinets that you'd have. I can dig it~ However, I see me building a combination of a "canned ham" and a tear drop trailer. Maybe a taller tear drop in the shape of a canned ham? A "tear canned"? A "dropped ham"? ...I can see it, man...
Super deal Now take care of your deal and give it loving care. IF you are not going to restore now, stop all of the water leaks. Here are some pics. of my current project. A 1964 Scotty 12 ft. camper. I am on the last steps of a complete frame off restoration. Gene
Sweeeet ! That's great ! . I'm on the lookout for a small trailer as SWMBO wants to go camping again and I can no longer sleep on the ground in a tent... Maybe a little teardrop trailer I can massage back into shape...
That's AWESOME, Gene!!! What a talent you have! That looks absolutely *perfect*! And once you have that hooked up behind that beautiful RED truck of yours... That's living life LARGE! THanks for posting those pictures, Gene! Gives me more to dream about!