Has any one tried to upgrade the carburator from a one barrel carter to a 2 barrel holly/weber and use the Langdons 1to2 adopter all the linkage stuff by chance?
2BBL Carbys Yeah , it works out O.K. but since you're dumping too uch fuel into the cnter of a l o n g intake manifold , the middle cylinders will get more ful than the end ones . This is bodge job engineering , resist the urge to save a few $ this way .
Well, I have the kit already and when first posted the box had just arrived. Over the years with this truck I have bought parts off flea-bay and got took as in the dual carb manafold with carbbies which fits some other engine not mine, it was not cheap, the port holes are closer than the 235. So buying all the dual stuff again and sending two carbs off to be rebuilt the same would run me about 3oo$ plus or more. So here I am and after working on the change over all day and have about 4 hours at least left for Sunday I may get to start it, maybe a test drive. So far it is way more work than what it appears. I'm having to redu stuff and some of it has not been any fun at all.
Old thread I have a single on mine and I love it. Check out this old thread. https://talk.classicparts.com/showthread.php?t=7554 Bob
ATTN : Charles I hear you about the wrong parts and re-doing things over , more $ spent than you ever imagined *but* persevere and you will find it all worth while and laughable about in the end . Nowthen ~ there's no need to send out the two carbies , just take them both apart separately on clean towels and inspect to be sure they have identical jets (look through them , never trust the stamped #) and adjust the floats the same etc. , ect . Test each finished carby as a single and when they're both able to be used as a single , you're ready to move on and mount up the two holer intake manifold and work up the linkage . You can do this ! . few rebuilders will match the carbys as well as you can . If you have missing or mis matched parts , begin buying those $5.00 core carbys down @ Five Points or off Flea-Bay , by the time you have two matching good ones you'll also prolly have a couple good used , cleaned , tested and adjusted ones you can re-sell for $50 each . Don't despair . I found my repop Fenton dual intake manifold with two freshly rebuilt Rochester carbys @ Pomona (it's to-day) for $150 complete ~ the kid had given up and was dropping out . Have faith .
Today I got this 2 barrel on and it did not sound right , all it wanted to do is stay at high idle. Got it somewhat running slower and took it for a ride only to go 3 blocks and is hit full throdle and were of to the rodeo nice thing about a key off postion. Started it back up and at a very slow idle meandered home in granny gear once home I looked under the hood and seen the problem the linkage pin had come out of the block and all of it is just hanging there!!!!!! So after seeing the threads on the it are almost gone, and the people that rebuilt the engine just put it back that way not saying bovine exhaust waste about it. This would have happened even if I had not wanted a little better performance out of the AD. So any way after putting all that back together and making the forth new linkage rod which goes from the stuff that feel apart to the carb I get it started again and again it does not sound good. "So off I go and all it will do is 20 miles an hour. So back into the driveway it will set until I get the one barrel on it. May call langdons and discuss the carb and the micky parts. I may need a detail of how the stock linkage goes, seems I forgot to snap a foto before I started this week ends mind control game I just went throught. for the 48 with a single carter on it. When I get the money up again maybe I'll try and set up the two singles.
Bob, That was a good thread, Thanks for posting it. Carbs have always been hard for me to understand. They have never clicked to me on how they work. Being inside on is like being inside a pinball machine to me. So I guess I will spend more than a few months trying to figure out this thing. I called Tom by the way he was off doing something and was not near the shop. Did you install the linkage package he sent? Again Thanks for the post.
Nate, Thanks for the advice, I'm just tired of the money going out. the post Bob put up on these carbs was good, I need to get it working before I do anything like put the single back on. The two singles would be nice but as it is I'm into carbs and manifold awhole lot a mony, I do have a total of 7 carters and one rochester. Nate me and carbs do not get along, thsy never work after I have them apart, that is why I just buy new or rebuilt ones, even for my tractors the carbs never work. I may have to do some asking on this 2 barrel to find the leaks or what ever is the problem. Again Thanks, Charles
Charles I feel your pain . Please be SURE to install a paper element fuel filter in front of the carby (NAPA/WIX # 3001 IIRC) and carry a couple spares in the glovebox at all times , this way when it gets dirty fuel , you can change the fliter instead of fiddling with the clogged up carby...
First I need to get this thing running again, following those threads is something. I need to see how Bob hooked up his H/W's and linkage, Dave had the C/W's and were a little different from the H/W's, the linkage is what took the most time. I can not post any photos from this computor or I would post how mine looks right now.
Dave's pictures Charles, Have you looked at Dave's pictures in Webshots? They are linked to his post on this old thread. It has been a couple of years since I did this, so memory isn't the greatest, but I relied heavily on his pictures at the time. Also, my 235 has headers on it so I had to do some cutting and welding of the verticle rod to make the linkage work right, adapting it to Tom's linkage kit. I used the parts from the linkage kit in a totally different way from Dave's because of my headers, but it worked out fine. There are all kinds of ways that linkage kit can be twisted and turned to make it work...somewhat time consuming, but you'll probably find a way! Bob
linkage Bob, The linkage is really taking the most time, after re-reading the instructions and looking at Dave’s photo's, I see that I have to turn the carb 90 degrees and make the bowl point to the grille so far I have made 4 of em and now may be making another. When I took off the carb tonight the gasket on the bottom (two hole) was wet somewhat not soaked but still wet. Did you use the big thick gasket Tom sent with the kit? Also is it okay to use gasket adhesive on these? I did not like the looks of the two flat bars they set with the kit so I made a solid arrangement which is now going to be to much cover to get all the bolts on, so . I started the truck after work and used some ether to see where any vac leaks were and there was no changes at all, so I'm a little puzzled as to what the crappy running was. Could I guess be tied to the linkage being a mess. I've got no time this week to deal with it maybe the weekend. Thanks, Charles
dual carbs I just added some pictures of my dual set up wit C/W. I like the set up but the throttle linkage has been the most challenging for me and I'm still not sure I'm happy with it yet. I too have dual headers so clearance is at a premium. I'm still tinkering with it . Dave
Persistence Charles, Seems I set mine up just like Dave's pictures, except for the linkage. Actually kinda enjoyed playing with the linkage all different ways until it worked like it should, but I did spend some time on it. No gasket adhesive but be careful to get it on evenly, like Dave advised in the thread. I'm not a carb guy at all. Be patient and follow the instructions of these guys who are, and you'll win this one. Bob
pushing cactus & daisies Spent a couple hours working on the the truck tonight, . Win, place, or draw the truck needs to be running Monday morning so I can put my metro in the shop for much needed service. If the new stuff (2barrel)is not working by saturday night the shit goes onto a shelf and the single barrel goes back on. After the metro gets back the truck goes to the desert to stay as a flower pot.
linkage Bob, do you have any photos of your throttle linkage buy chance? My works but I think it can be improved. Dave
Linkage pic Can't imagine this will help you much since mine is a single H/W. IIRC, seems I had to slightly shorten the travel coming off the stock verticle rod by drilling an extra hole in the arm it attaches to on the top side, then using a matched travel on the arm that activates the throttle, in order to get full throttle. The reason I had to do this was because there was no room for the verticle rod to fit up between the headers (it had too much side to side movement). Also had to change the length of the verticle rod. My best advice is to just keep playing with it until you get the best fit and smoothness of operation for your situation. My situation is different than anyone else, I'm sure. Good luck, Bob
I have the only one carb also but this thing will not run correctly. Did you use the large gasket which was sent with all the stuff?